Le jeu de la représentation du temps et de l'espace dans Mort d'un personnage de Jean Giono

Title: Le jeu de la représentation du temps et de l'espace dans Mort d'un personnage de Jean Giono
Source document: Études romanes de Brno. 2010, vol. 31, iss. 2, pp. [83]-95
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Analytical charts representing interaction of time and space in Jean Giono's novel cycle. Research of the relation of fiction and reality in novel-writing seems an unnecessary attempt – from the point of view of literary criticism. Being for the twentieth century autobiographical elements and for the numerous types of fictional autobiography yet gives a reason for the analysis of this kind of relation. Text-genetics draws our attention to the process of writing, explaining linearity or non-linearity of the text. The image about a writer changes through each novel, the writer himself changes indeed, and this strain itself is paratopy. In our analysis we intend to use two concepts (paratopy and scenography) by Dominique Aingueneau, expert in critical discourse analysis. Charts show the fictional and autobiographical features and display author paratopy changing in each novel within a cycle. As for the different forms to recall past, one protagonist of the novel Mort d'un personnage is characterized by the opposition to time. Here we imply Paul Ricœur's work Temps de l'âme et temps du monde (1985, Temps et récit 3. IV.) where he opposes Aristotle's and St Augustine's concept of time in a sense that time of the self and cosmic time try to absorb each other while they are very much coherent. They can not exist without each other.
[1] GIONO, Jean. Œuvres romanesques complètes, IV. Ed. Robert RICATTE; Pierre CITRON; Henri GODARD. Paris: Gallimard, «Bibliothèque de la Pléiade» 1977.

[2] HALLIDAY, Michael A. K. Anti-languages. In Languages as social semiotic. London: E. Arnold, 1978.

[3] LAURICHESSE, Jean-Yves. Création romanesque et réflexion sur le roman. Giono romancier. Actes du IVᵉ colloque international Jean Giono. Colloque du centenaire. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence, 1999.

[4] MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Contexte de l'œuvre littéraire. Paris: Dunod, 1993

[5] MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Le discours littéraire. Paratopie et scène d'énonciation. Paris: Armand Colin, 2004.

[6] RICŒUR, Paul. Le temps raconté. In Temps et récit 3. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1985.