K otázce tzv. nepřeložitelnosti poezie

Title: K otázce tzv. nepřeložitelnosti poezie
Variant title:
  • How to translate poetry
Author: Malý, Radek
Source document: Slavica litteraria. 2012, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. [125]-133
  • ISSN
    1212-1509 (print)
    2336-4491 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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The study examines how in the Czech tradition translation of poetry has been perceived. The Czech tradition of translation of poetry is specific and translators have high demands. The study is looking for common and different points in the translation of poetry at two opposing theories of translation: the theory of functional equivalence from Jiří Levý and functionalist concept of translation, which brought into Czech Zbyněk Fišer. After a confrontation with other translation theories of Ján Vilikovský and Milan Hrdlička can we see, that the area of translation of poetry is so specific and demanding, that it is difficult to apply the scale of individual theories. On the contrary, it seems that just the translation of poetry can be a common ground for all these theories.
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