Olomoucká opera v letech 1830–1920 a její vztahy k Vídni

Title: Olomoucká opera v letech 1830–1920 a její vztahy k Vídni
Variant title:
  • Opera in Olomouc (1830‒1920) and its relation to Vienna
Source document: Theatralia. 2013, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 28-41
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The authors focus on the opera in Olomouc (located on Upper square) and its relation to Vienna. During the hundred years of existence in question, the productions were permanently compared to those in Vienna. The same counts for their repertoire; furthermore, the fact that Vienna was close to Olomouc ended up in a mutual interchange of artists. Vienna opera teachers recommended their students and thus, some of them debuted in Olomouc; consequently, some of the older singers then ended up their careers here. Some singers who debuted in Olomouc succeeded in becoming part of the Vienna opera house. The stage design was also highly influenced by the Vienna standards; moreover, some of the decorations were made in famous Vienna ateliers.
Studie vznikla v souvislosti s řešením grantovému projektu č. 408/09/0491 Grantové agentury České republiky Německá opera v Olomouci.
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