Мeждометия в романе "Мертвые души" Н.В. Гоголя

Title: Мeждометия в романе "Мертвые души" Н.В. Гоголя
Transliterated title
Meždometija v romane "Mertvyje duši" N.V. Gogolja
Source document: Čarkić, Milosav Ž.. N. V. Gogol: Bytí díla v prostoru a čase : (studie o živém dědictví). Dohnal, Josef (Editor); Pospíšil, Ivo (Editor). V Tribunu EU vyd. 1. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Ústav slavistiky Filozofické fakulty, 2010, pp. 61-75
Rights access
open access
License: Not specified license
Interjections in the novel Мертвые души (Mertvye dushi) by N. V. Gogol. Exploring the occurrence of interjections in Мертвые души by N. V. Gogol, we came to the conclusion that they occur in it in the form of primary interjections (а, э, и, о, эх, ах, ох, etc.) and secondary interjections (бог с ним!, браво!, здровствуйте!, да, нет, это, etc.). In the 398 pages of the novel we found 416 interjections, somewhat over one interjection per page. The primary interjections occur 185, and the secondary ones 231 times. Both types of interjections are most often part of the way the characters speak in the novel, and only rarely do they belong to the author’s discourse. As opposed to other parts of speech, interjections as non-conceptual words expressing emotions realize their emotive quality in specific contexts, where the meaning of the context is mostly projected onto them, owing to which they come to be exponents of contextual emotions. Interjections as such express a wide range of positive or negative emotions, conveying sudden expressions of abrupt emotions of those who use them in a given communicative situation.