Serbski kulturny leksikon – nowa pomocka w slawistiskim slědźenju

Title: Serbski kulturny leksikon – nowa pomocka w slawistiskim slědźenju
Variant title:
  • The Sorbian Lexicon – a new handbook for Slavonic research
Author: Šěn, Franc
Source document: Slavica litteraria. 2016, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 167-172
  • ISSN
    1212-1509 (print)
    2336-4491 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Wěcne leksika a encyklopedije słuža spěšnej informaciji wo datach a mjenach, faktach a ličbach. Za serbsku kulturu a stawizny falowaše dotal tajka pomocka. Nowy němskorěčny Serbski kulturny leksikon (2014) je alfabetisce rjadowana kniha, kotraž w 230 hesłach aktualny staw wědy k žiwjenju Łužiskich Serbow prěni raz systematisce předstaja. Přinošk pokazuje wjac hač 150 lětne prócowanje wo tajku přiručku a jeje wužitnosć za slawistiske slědźenje.
The Sorbian Lexicon, a new handbook on Slavonic research is to be used as information source of names, facts and numbers. As there has not been any handbook of Sorbian culture and history so far, the new "Sorbisches Kulturlexikon" which its more than 230 entries, covers the up-to-date knowledge of modern Sorbian life. This paper then describes the 150-years sustained efforts needed to compile a publication like this.