Heidegger a Hegelova Fenomenológia ducha

Title: Heidegger a Hegelova Fenomenológia ducha
Variant title:
  • Heidegger and Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Source document: Studia philosophica. 2017, vol. 64, iss. 2, pp. 5-20
  • ISSN
    1803-7445 (print)
    2336-453X (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Fenomenológia ducha, zdôrazňuje Heidegger, je prvou časťou Hegelom plánovaného systému vied. Jej podtitul znie: Veda o skúsenosti vedomia. Tou vedou (Wissenschaft) bude filozofia, chápaná ako veda o skúsenosti vedomia, teda o skúsenosti, ktorú má vedomie seba samého. Filozofii, podľa Hegela, ide o absolútne poznanie, teda o poznanie v najvšeobecnejšom zmysle slova. Možno teda tvrdiť, že kým Hegelovi išlo vo Fenomenológii ducha o vzťah človeka, poznávajúceho subjektu, schopného sebauvedomenia, k absolútnu, tak Heideggerovi v jeho interpretácii Hegelovej Fenomenológie ducha išlo predovšetkým o absolútno samé, teda o bytie, ako ho chápal. Pre Heideggera nie je problematika obsiahnutá vo Fenomenológii ducha ničím iným ako artikuláciou protikladu: nekonečnosť bytia verzus konečnosť jestvujúcna.
Phenomenology of Spirit, Heidegger says, is the first part of the system of science that was planned by Hegel. Another of its titles is called: Science of the Experience of Consciousness. By the science (Wissenschaft) is meant philosophy, understood as a science of the experience of consciousness, which means an experience that the consciousness makes with itself. According to Hegel, philosophy is attempting to get an absolute knowledge, the most general knowledge that is possible to achieve. And meanwhile for Hegel, in his Phenomenology of Spirit, the relationship to the human being, as a subject that is able to get an absolute knowledge and to achieve the self-consciousness, is the most important, Heidegger prefers in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit Being itself with its relationship to beings as he understood it. For Heidegger all of the problems from the Phenomenology of Spirit represent nothing less than an articulation of the endless Being compared to the variety of temporal beings.
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