Gegen Die "Kunst Des Vergessens": Gedächtnis – Museum – Geschichte

Title: Gegen Die "Kunst Des Vergessens": Gedächtnis – Museum – Geschichte
Variant title:
  • Against the "art of forgetting": memory - museum - history
Source document: Museologica Brunensia. 2017, vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. 15-25
  • ISSN
    1805-4722 (print)
    2464-5362 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The aim of the article is to extend the joint contribution of historical sciences and museums to the culture of memory by approaches of historical museology. Keeping in mind the tight connection between "remembering" and "keeping" (in terms of retention and disclosure of world knowledge), the presence of museality in its historical dimension is exemplified by selected museum collections from the ancient Orient to recent musealisation processes, in which the memoria is manifested in its physical form. With the help of historical and literary evidence and through the medium of approaches used in neuroscience (after Wolf Singer), the article demonstrates on the basis of a polarisation between ars oblivionalis (the art of forgetting) and ars memoriae (the art of memory) that the topic of mnemonics or, in other words, the art of memory keeping, is still present. The learning and remembering strategies which are based on placing objects and terms in familiar locations (loci) and creating imaginary associations (imagines agentes), are already known from the Antiquity. Through the medium of models of the Renaissance art of memory they were incorporated in the concept of museum collections and made them the places of memory, preservation and knowledge. Theoretical base of the methods intended to order the knowledge is contained in early treatises by Quiccheberg, Hainhofer, Major and Neickelius. The problem area comprises a wide spectrum of topics beginning with musealisation as a term for a sort of conservation and therewith also compensation of items whose existence is threatened by an altered attitude to history, through to modern methods of a participative or "activist" museum which gave rise to new types of "memory making" and "memory keeping".
Německá verze článku: Raffler, Marlies. Against the "art of forgetting": memory - museum - history. Museologica Brunensia, 2017, vol. 6, č. 2, s. 5-14. Dostupné na:
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