(American) culture and its discontents – the case of F.W. Murnau

Název: (American) culture and its discontents – the case of F.W. Murnau
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 2006, roč. 32, č. 1, s. [113]-121
  • ISSN
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.

[1] Allen, Robert C. (1977) 'William Fox Presents Sunrise'. Quarterly Review of Film Studies (August 1977): 327–38. | DOI 10.1080/10509207709391359

[2] Berman, Marshall (1988) All That is solid melts Into Air. The Experience of Modernity. New York: Penguin.

[3] Deleuze, Gilles (1986) Cinema 1. The Movement Image. Trans. Hugh Tomlinson and B. Habberjam. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P.

[4] Doane, Mary Anne (1977) 'Desire in Sunrise'. Film Reader 2: 71–7.

[5] Eisner, Lotte (1973) Murnau. London: Secker & Warburg.

[6] Eyman, Scott (1990) 'Sunrise in Bora-Bora'. Film Comment 26:6, 24–28, 79–80.

[7] 'Murnau ist heute abgereist' (1926) Film Kurier, 22 June 1926: no page number.

[8] 'Das Murnau-Bankett in New York' (1926) Film Kurier, 14 August 1926: no page number.

[9] Fischer, Lucy (1998) Sunrise. A Song of Two Humans. London: BFI Publ.

[10] Flaherty, David (1960) 'A Few Reminiscences'. Film Culture 20: 14–16.

[11] Höllriegel, Arnold (1926) 'Hollywood sucht den "europäischen" Film'. Berliner Tageblatt 598, 19 December 1926, 1. Beiblatt.

[12] Murnau, F. W. (1928) 'The Ideal Picture Needs No Title'. Theatre Magazine, January 1928, 41 & 72.

[13] Murnau, F. W. (1924) '… der frei im Raum zu bewegende Aufnahmeapparat'. Die Filmwoche 1, (Rubrik: Neujahrswünsche).

[14] 'Advertisement for Sunrise' (1926) Moving Picture World, 2 January 1926: 69.

[15] 'The Shadow Stage: A Review of the Newest Pictures' (1927) Photoplay 33:1 (Decmber 1927): 52.

[16] Wood, Robin (1971) 'TABU'. Film Society (Summer 1971): 23–7.