Dobový problém humanistickej univerzálnosti v tvorbe Jakuba Jakobea

Název: Dobový problém humanistickej univerzálnosti v tvorbe Jakuba Jakobea
Zdrojový dokument: Keruľová, Marta. Literární historiografie a česko-slovenské vztahy. Pospíšil, Ivo (editor); Zelenková, Anna (editor). V Tribunu EU vyd. 1. Brno: Tribun EU, 2011, pp. 153-161
Přístupová práva
otevřený přístup
Licence: Neurčená licence
Jakub Jakobeus (1591–1645) came from Kutná Hora and after The Battle of White Mountain he settled down in Prešov due to political circumstances. As a young writer he confesses love to his hometown and to The Czech Republic in his occasional poetry. However, these motifs are not primarily to the fore. In the period of the creative maturity, Jakobeus expressed another patriotic attitude, which he even more monumentalizes (mainly the character of the Mother of Slovaks and the application of some symbols of the antique epic) and which relates to his another homeland – the Slovak land. His poetry belongs to the specific humanistic universalism and therewithal he is one of the pioneers of establishing the national consciousness of that time Slovak burgher's class. He published the first printed scientific document on the glorious past of the Slovaks in the preliterary Slovak language (Viva gentis Slavonicae delineatio, 1642), which was not preserved and we have the knowledge of it only from the secondary sources. The Latin lyric-epic poem Gentis Slavonicae lacrumae, suspria et vota (Levoča 1642), which was preserved and belonged to the document, is also referred to as the "Slovak national epic". The universal culture based on antique and Christianism interlaces in this poem and at the same time the author responds to the civil-political events with a huge emotional enthusiasm and manneristical effects.