[Images and words in exile: Avignon and Italy during the first half of the 14th century]

Název: [Images and words in exile: Avignon and Italy during the first half of the 14th century]
Zdrojový dokument: Convivium. 2018, roč. 5, č. 2, s. 162-165
  • ISSN
    2336-3452 (print)
    2336-808X (online)
Type: Recenze
Licence: Neurčená licence
Reviewed work
Images and words in exile: Avignon and Italy during the first half of the 14th century. Edited by Elisa Brilli, Laura Fenelli and Gerhard Wolf. Firenze: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2015. xxxiv, 582 p. Millennio Medievale; 107. Strumenti e studi. N. s.; 40. ISBN 978-88-8450-673-3.
Přístupová práva
plný text nepřístupný

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