Arctic Songs: a journey towards a new tradition from pre-Contact to contemporary Inuit poetry

Název: Arctic Songs: a journey towards a new tradition from pre-Contact to contemporary Inuit poetry
Variantní název:
  • Chants arctiques: un voyage vers une nouvelle tradition du pré-contact dans la poésie inuite contemporaine
Zdrojový dokument: The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2020, roč. 15, č. [1], s. 17-34
  • ISSN
    1213-7715 (print)
    2336-4556 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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Inuit poetry has an inherently concrete nature, whether evinced in song-poems collected in the oral tradition era, or in modern-day poetry written from the twentieth century onward. I propose, however, that the tangible observational poetry of the past has slowly been transforming into a new tradition. Novel ways of expression such as figurative language and philosophical thinking have been employed by contemporary Inuit poets. The transitions from literal to figurative language and from straight-forward to philosophical thinking are manifestations of the change in Inuit life and writing. Contemporary Inuit poetry is not abstract in the strictest sense of the word, but abstraction is there in the poems: in the metaphysical questions they pose, in their modern atmosphere and diction. This shift in artistic expression results in an emerging poetic tradition that is more accessible to a worldwide readership.
La poésie inuite a une nature concrète, qu'il s'agisse de chants-poèmes recueillis à l'époque de la tradition orale ou de poésie moderne écrite à partir du XXe siècle. Toutefois, nous soutenons ici l'hypothèse selon laquelle la poésie observationnelle tangible du passé se serait lentement transformée en une nouvelle tradition. Des modes d'expression novateurs, tels que le langage figuratif et la pensée philosophique, ont été employés par les poètes inuits contemporains. Les transitions du langage littéral vers le langage figuratif et de la pensée directe vers la pensée philosophique sont des manifestations du changement dans la vie et l'écriture inuites. La poésie inuite contemporaine n'est pas abstraite au sens strict du terme, mais l'abstraction est là dans les poèmes : dans les questions métaphysiques qu'ils posent, dans leur atmosphère et leur diction modernes. Ce changement d'expression artistique se traduit par une tradition poétique émergente plus accessible à un lectorat mondial.
[1] Akjartok. "When I Call to My Mind" in Colombo, 44.

[2] "A Little Song," in Rasmussen, Eskimo 54.

[3] Dorothy, "Old Woman's Song," in McGrath 59.

[4] Evaluardjuk, Lucy. "In the Spring When the Sun Never Sets," in McGrath 59.

[5] Ipellie, Alootok. "One of Those Wonderful Nights." Inuit Today. April 1974. Inuit Art of Canada. Access: 13 Feb. 2020.

[6] Ipellie, Alootok. "The Dancing Sun," in New 272.

[7] Issaluk, Luke. "I See Your Face," in Petrone 35.

[8] Ivaluardjuk. "Cold and Mosquitoes," in Rasmussen, Intellectual 18–19.

[9] "I Was Out in My Kayak, in" Rasmussen, Eskimo 47.

[10] "Love-Making." Rasmussen, in Eskimo 53.

[11] Naumelauk, Jimmy. "Wondering in Silence," Inukshuk 2.16 (1973): 11.

[12] "The Old Man's Song," in Philip 26.

[13] Ulivfak. "The Spring of Youth," in Rasmussen, Eskimo 37.

[14] Uvavunk. "Song of Joy," in Philip 22.

[15] "Winter's Exodus," in Petrone 50.

[16] Boas, Franz. The Central Eskimo. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1888.

[17] Boas, Franz. "Eskimo Tales and Songs," The Journal of American Folklore 7.24 (1894): 45–50.

[18] Colombo, John Robert (ed.). Poems of the Inuit. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1981

[19] Martin, Keavy. Stories in a New Skin: Approaches to Inuit Literature. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2012.

[20] McCall, Sophie. First Person Plural: Aboriginal Storytelling and the Ethics of Collaborative Authorship. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012.

[21] McGrath, Robin. Canadian Inuit Literature: The Development of a Tradition. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1984.

[22] Mowat, Farley. People of the Deer. 1952. Boston: Little Brown, 1975.

[23] New, W.H. Native Writers and Canadian Writing. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1990.

[24] Petrone, Penny. Northern Voices: Inuit Writing in English. 1988. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992.

[25] Philip, Neil (ed.). Songs Are Thoughts: Poems of the Inuit. Illus. Maryclare Foa. New York: Orchard Books, 1995.

[26] Rasmussen, Knud. Eskimo Poems from Canada and Greenland. Trans. Tom Lowenstein, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1973.

[27] Rasmussen, Knud. Intellectual Culture of the Iglulik Eskimos. Trans. W. Worster, 1929. London: Forgotten Books, 2018.

[28] Riesman, David. Abundance for What? New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1964.