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Displaying 6226 - 6250 of 6352

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Introduction. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, pp. 7–17.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. White chappell : scarlet tracings. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, pp. 106–112.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Conclusions. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, pp. 126–132.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. People of the Black Mountains 1: The beginning. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, pp. 62–79.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Bibliography. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, pp. 133–139.

Hardy, Stephen Paul. Place, poetics and the earth. In: Hardy, Stephen Paul. Relations of place : aspects of late 20th century : fiction and theory. 2008, pp. 39–54.

Horáková, Michaela. Summary. In: Horáková, Michaela. Karel Račín - nedoceněný barokní autor. 2005, pp. 109–110.

Češka, Josef. Дифференциация рабов в Италии в первых двух столетиях принципата. In: Češka, Josef. Diferenciace otroků v Itálii v prvních dvou stoletích principátu. 1959, pp. 125–128.

Ježek, Miroslav. The rise of a standard. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 17–58.

Ježek, Miroslav. Glossary. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 243–246.

Ježek, Miroslav. Conclusion. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 215–224.

Ježek, Miroslav. RP innovations in Pronouncing Dictionaries. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 209–213.

Ježek, Miroslav. Bibliography. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 227–236.

Ježek, Miroslav. Appendix 1. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 247–249.

Ježek, Miroslav. Prescription and standardisation in linguistics. In: Ježek, Miroslav. Sociophonology of Received Pronunciation : native and non-native environments. 2021, pp. 59–66.

Frantová, Zuzana. Time, place and style. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně. 2014, pp. 108–124.

Frantová, Zuzana. Introduction. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně. 2014, pp. 97–99.

Frantová, Zuzana. Seeking the place of the object in art history. In: Frantová, Zuzana. Hereze a loajalita : slonovinový Diptych z pěti částí z pokladu katedrály v Miláně. 2014, pp. 100–107.

Sedlák, Jiří. Резюме : проблемы социального учения. In: Sedlák, Jiří. Otázky sociálního učení. 1984, pp. 277–280.

Šimek, Emanuel. Послесловие. In: Šimek, Emanuel. Velká Germanie Klaudia Ptolemaia. Svazek IV, Kulturněhistorický obraz oblasti mezi Rýnem a horní Odrou - dolní Vislou, Dunajem a Baltickým mořem v dobách kolem počátku našeho letopočtu. 1953, pp. 594–624.

Nový, Lubomír. The course of life as a sociological problem. In: Nový, Lubomír. Životní dráha jako sociologický problém. c1989, pp. 147–148.

Nový, Lubomír. Жизненный путь как социологическая проблема. In: Nový, Lubomír. Životní dráha jako sociologický problém. c1989, pp. 149–150.

Vurm, Petr. From the shores of the others : new narratives, new aesthetics: contemporary authors of Subsaharan Francophone Africa from the perspective of migrations, hybridity and world globalization : summary. In: Vurm, Petr. Des rives des autres : nouveaux récits, nouvelles esthétiques : auteurs contemporains de l'Afrique francophone subsaharienne du point de vue de l'hybridité, des migrations et de la globalisation mondiale. 2021, pp. 223–225.

Husák, Petr. When they spread out their arms, they touch the darkness : changes to priestly identity within Czech Catholicism in the 19th and 20th centuries : summary. In: Husák, Petr. Když rozpínají ruce, dotýkají se temnot : proměny kněžské identity v prostředí českého katolicismu v 19. a 20. století. 2021, pp. 426–427.

Svoboda, Karel. La peinture et la sculpture. In: Svoboda, Karel. L'esthétique d'Aristote. 1927, pp. 199–205.