Title: Columella in Russian culture : notes on Sangermanensis (St. Petersburg Cl. lat. F. v. 1)
Source document: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2022, vol. 27, iss. 2, pp. 145-159
ISSN1803-7402 (print)2336-4424 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/GLB2022-2-10
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.77375
Type: Article
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 International
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These pages offer a preliminar collection of facts and data about the presence in Russian Culture of Columella's De re rustica, starting with the history of the carolingian codex preserved in the Library of St. Petersburg (Cl. lat. F. v. 1; olim Cod. Sangermanensis Petropolitanus 207), transferred to this city by Pyotr Petrovich Dubrovsky shortly after the French Revolution, and providing an account and primary introduction to significant Russian translations and studies on the Roman agronomist drawn up by both revolutionaries and enemies of the October Revolution.
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[2] Ash, H. B. (Ed.). (1941). Columella: On Agriculture, I: Books 1–4 (Loeb Classical Library, 361). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
[3] Barashenkov, V. M. et al. (Eds.). (1963). История Государственной Публичной библиотеки им. М. Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина: К 150-летию б-ки, 1814–1964. Ленинград: Лениздат.
[4] Basargina, E. (2021). Е. Ю. Басаргина. К 130-летию М. Е. Сергеенко: защита докторской диссертации в блокадном Ленинграде. Philologia Classica, 16(2), 346–369.
[5] Bleskina, O. N. (2011). Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum latinorum, qui in Bibliotheca Publica Petropolitana asservantur: Jurisprudentia, Philosophia, Scientia, Monumenta litterarum. St. Petersburg: Russian National Library.
[6] Brodsky, J. (1986). The Child of Civilization. In Idem, Less than one (pp. 23–144). New York: Farrar; Straus & Giroux.
[7] Brown, V. (1976). Columella. In P. O. Kristeller et al. (Eds.). Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum. Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries. Washington – Toronto: Catholic University of America Press; Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
[8] Bursky, M. I. (1937). Катон, Варрон, Колумелла, Плиний о сельском хозяйстве. Под редакцией и с вводной статьей проф. М. И. Бурского. Москва – Ленинград: Сельхозгиз [reed. Агрономы древней Италии, Ленингрaд: Академия Наук СССР, 1970].
[9] Ferrer, A. (1997). El espíritu ilustrado y algunas influencias puntuales de Columela sobre el pensamiento de Jovellanos: El informe sobre la ley agraria. In J. M. Maestre Maestre, L. Charlo Brea, & A. Serrano Cueto (Eds.), Estudios sobre Columela (pp. 323–330). Cádiz: University of Cadiz.
[10] Figes, O. (1997). A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891–1924. London: Random House.
[11] Figes, O. (2002). Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia. New York: Metropolitan Books.
[12] Finley, M. I. (1999). The Ancient Economy (Sather Classical Lectures, 43). Berkeley – Los Angeles: University of California Press.
[13] Forster, E. S., & Heffner, E. H. (Eds.). (1954). Columella: On Agriculture, II: Books 5–9 (Loeb Classical Library, 407). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
[14] Forster, E. S., & Heffner, E. H. (Eds.). (1955). Columella: On Agriculture, III: Books 10–12. On Trees (Loeb Classical Library, 408). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
[15] Frede, V. (2015). Friends: Gilbert Romme and the Stroganovs. E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies, 3, 70–100.
[16] García Armendáriz, J. I. (1995). Agronomía y Tradición Clásica. Columela en España. Seville: University of Seville, University of Cádiz.
[17] García Armendáriz, J. I. (2003). Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella. Addenda. In V. Brown, J. Hankins, & R. Kaster (Eds.), Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum. Mediaeval and Renaissance Translations and Commentaries. Annotated Lists and Guides (Vol. VIII; pp. 327–333). Washington: The Catholic University of America Press.
[18] Getty, J. A., & Naumov, O. (1999). The Road to Terror; Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks 1932–1939. New Haven, CT.: Yale University Press.
[19] Graham, H. F. (1986). A. I. Malein: a Russian classical scholar. The Classical Journal, 82(1), 42–51.
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[21] Hessel, A. (1950). A History of Libraries (transl. Reuben Peiss). Washington: Scarecrow Press.
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[23] Karamzin, N. M. (1794–1795). Аглая (Кн. I, II). Москва: у Ридигера и Клаудия.
[24] Kazansky, N. N. (Ed.). (1998). Classical languages and Indo-European languages. Studies dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Tronsky's birth. St. Petersburg: Izdat. Aletejja.
[25] Kazansky, N. N. (Ed.). (2018). Indo-European Languages and Classical Philology. Proceedings of the International Conference in Memory of Professor Joseph M. Tronsky (2 vols.). St. Petersburg: Nauka.
[26] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1923). Аннибал. Петербург: Брокгауз-Ефрон.
[27] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1925). Д. П. Кончаловский. Экономическая история Рима. Москва – Ленинград: Государственное издательство.
[28] Konchalovsky, D. P. (Transl.). (1933). Жизнеописание двенадцати цезарей. Гай Светоний Транквил. Москва: Академия.
[29] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1969). Д. П. Кончаловский. Пути России: размышления о русском народе, большевизме и современной цивилизации. Paris: YMCA-press.
[30] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1970). Д. П. Кончаловский. Les inedits russes. Paris: Libr. des cinq continents.
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[32] Krih, S. B., & Metel, O. V. (2018). Историография древности в советский период. Омск: Омский государственный университет имени Ф. М. Достоевского.
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[9] Ferrer, A. (1997). El espíritu ilustrado y algunas influencias puntuales de Columela sobre el pensamiento de Jovellanos: El informe sobre la ley agraria. In J. M. Maestre Maestre, L. Charlo Brea, & A. Serrano Cueto (Eds.), Estudios sobre Columela (pp. 323–330). Cádiz: University of Cadiz.
[10] Figes, O. (1997). A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891–1924. London: Random House.
[11] Figes, O. (2002). Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia. New York: Metropolitan Books.
[12] Finley, M. I. (1999). The Ancient Economy (Sather Classical Lectures, 43). Berkeley – Los Angeles: University of California Press.
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[15] Frede, V. (2015). Friends: Gilbert Romme and the Stroganovs. E-Journal of Eighteenth-Century Russian Studies, 3, 70–100.
[16] García Armendáriz, J. I. (1995). Agronomía y Tradición Clásica. Columela en España. Seville: University of Seville, University of Cádiz.
[17] García Armendáriz, J. I. (2003). Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella. Addenda. In V. Brown, J. Hankins, & R. Kaster (Eds.), Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum. Mediaeval and Renaissance Translations and Commentaries. Annotated Lists and Guides (Vol. VIII; pp. 327–333). Washington: The Catholic University of America Press.
[18] Getty, J. A., & Naumov, O. (1999). The Road to Terror; Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks 1932–1939. New Haven, CT.: Yale University Press.
[19] Graham, H. F. (1986). A. I. Malein: a Russian classical scholar. The Classical Journal, 82(1), 42–51.
[20] Graham, R. L. (2015). The Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Communist Party, 1927–1932. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
[21] Hessel, A. (1950). A History of Libraries (transl. Reuben Peiss). Washington: Scarecrow Press.
[22] Ilizarov, S. (2020). С. С. Илизаров. Мечислав Бурский и секция истории агрикультуры Института истории науки и техники АН СССР. Вестник Академии наук Чеченской Республики, 3(50), 30–37.
[23] Karamzin, N. M. (1794–1795). Аглая (Кн. I, II). Москва: у Ридигера и Клаудия.
[24] Kazansky, N. N. (Ed.). (1998). Classical languages and Indo-European languages. Studies dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Tronsky's birth. St. Petersburg: Izdat. Aletejja.
[25] Kazansky, N. N. (Ed.). (2018). Indo-European Languages and Classical Philology. Proceedings of the International Conference in Memory of Professor Joseph M. Tronsky (2 vols.). St. Petersburg: Nauka.
[26] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1923). Аннибал. Петербург: Брокгауз-Ефрон.
[27] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1925). Д. П. Кончаловский. Экономическая история Рима. Москва – Ленинград: Государственное издательство.
[28] Konchalovsky, D. P. (Transl.). (1933). Жизнеописание двенадцати цезарей. Гай Светоний Транквил. Москва: Академия.
[29] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1969). Д. П. Кончаловский. Пути России: размышления о русском народе, большевизме и современной цивилизации. Paris: YMCA-press.
[30] Konchalovsky, D. P. (1970). Д. П. Кончаловский. Les inedits russes. Paris: Libr. des cinq continents.
[31] Krih, S. B., & Metel, O. V. (2014). Советская историография древности в контексте мировой историографической мысли: Анализ текстов, созданных в советский период. Разбор "периферии научного дискурса" (предисловий, рецензий, приложений). Оценка основных достижений и проблем советских концептуальных построений в области древней истории. Москва: Ленанд.
[32] Krih, S. B., & Metel, O. V. (2018). Историография древности в советский период. Омск: Омский государственный университет имени Ф. М. Достоевского.
[33] Kristeller, P. O. (1976). Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries. Washington, DC.: Catholic University of America Press.
[34] Langlet, V. (1896). Ad Columellae codicem Sangermanensem qui vocatur. Eranos, 1, 86–94.
[35] Lewin, M. (1968). Russian Peasants and Soviet Power. A Study of Collectivization. London: Norton Library.
[36] Lindsay, W. M. (Rev.). (1913). A. Staerk: Les manuscrits latins du ve au xiiie siecle conservés à la bibliothèque impériale de Saint-Pétersbourg, I: Description, Textes inédits, Reproductions autotypiques; II: Reproductions autotypiques. St. Petersburg: Krois 1910. The Classical Review, 27, 108.
[37] Logutova, M. (2001). Insular Codices from Dubrovsky's Collection in the National Library of Russia. In M. Kilpio, & L. Kahlas-Tarkka (Eds.), Ex Insula Lux. Manuscripts and Hagiographical Material Connected with Medieval England (pp. 93–98). Helsinki: Helsinki University Library.
[38] Luizova, T. B. (1952). Собрание рукописей П. П. Дубровского в Государственной публичной библиотеке имени М. Е. Салтыкова-Щедрина. Вопросы истории, 8, 123–130.
[39] Lundström, V., Josephson, A. L., & Hedberg, S. (1897–1968). Iuni Moderati Columellae Opera quae exstant. Uppsala: In libraria Lundequistiana.
[40] Maestre Maestre, J. M. (1997). Columela y los humanistas. In J. M. Maestre Maestre, L. Ch. Brea, & A. Serrano Cueto (Eds.), Estudios sobre Columela (pp. 263–322). Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz.
[41] More, Th. (1937). Utopia. London: Dent.
[42] Nieto, J. M. J. (1997). Léxico de dependencia en el Libro primero del De re rustica de Columela y descenso de la esclavitud en la Agricultura Itálica del s. I. D. C. In J. M. Maestre Maestre, L. Ch. Brea, & A. Serrano Cueto (Eds.), Estudios sobre Columela (pp. 143–151). Cádiz: Universidad de Cádiz.
[43] Polastron, L. X. (2007). Libros en llamas: historia de la interminable destrucción de bibliotecas. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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