Title: Convivium
Year: 2023
Volume: 10
Issue: Supplementum 2
Issue title
Medieval Svaneti : objects, images, and bodies in dialogue with built and natural spaces
2336-3452 (print)
2336-808X (online)
978-80-280-0382-1 (print)
978-80-280-0383-8 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.78746
- Edited by Manuela Studer-Karlen, Michele Bacci and Natalia Chitishvili
- This volume was published within the project Cultural Interactions in the Medieval Subcaucasian Region: Historiographical and Art-Historical Perspectives (GF21-01706L) and snsf Lead Agency project 197295
Department FF MU
Title | Document |
The guest is a gift from God | [11]
Studer-Karlen, Manuela |
Title | Document |
Svaneti and the rhetoric of distance | [12]–33
Bacci, Michele; Foletti, Ivan |
Title | Document |
Architecture of Upper Svaneti | [36]–[65]
Elizbarashvili, Irine; Giviashvili, Irene |
Painted chancel screens in Upper Svaneti : the evidence from early monuments | [66]–[85]
Meladze, Salome |
Interaction of images in sacred space : a case study: the Church of St Barbara in Khe, Upper Svaneti | [86]–[99]
Chichinadze, Nina |
The image of the Virgin in the medieval painting of Svaneti | [100]–[119]
Kenia, Marine |
Iprari murals : reading of the scene of the Apparition of the angel to Joshua | [120]–[139]
Gedevanishvili, Ekaterine |
Image and liturgy : the Church of the Archangels in Tanghili | [140]–[159]
Studer-Karlen, Manuela |
Icons, saints, and society in Svaneti | [160]–[183]
Eastmond, Antony |
Icons from Svaneti in the context of Byzantine painting | [184]–[207]
Burchuladze, Nana |
Symbolic treasure, care, and materiality in Upper Svaneti | [208]–[225]
Batiashvili, Nutsa; Aleksidze, Nikoloz |
Title | Document |
Photographic credits | [226]–227