Styles of codification

Title: Styles of codification
Author: Garvin, Paul L.
Source document: Brno studies in English. 1993, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. [17]-21
  • ISSN
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.

[1] Bernhart, C. L., ed.-in-chtef (1961). The American College dictionary (New York: Random House).

[2] Bernhart, C. L., ed.-in-chief (1969). The world book dictionary (Chicago, etc.: Field Enterprises Education Corp.)

[3] Bernstein, T. (1965). The careful writer. A modern guide to English usage (New York: Atheneum).

[4] Copperud, R. Y. (1970). American usage: The consensus (New York, etc.: Van Nostrand Retnhard Co.)

[5] Deighton, L. C., (1972). A comparative study of spellings in four major collegiate dictionaries (Pleasantville, N. Y.: Hardscrabble Press).

[6] Fishinan, J. (1974). 'Language planning and language planning research'. Advances in language planning (=Contributions to the sociology of language 5). ed. by J. Fishmnn, 15-33 (The Hague and Paris: Mouton).

[7] Funk & Wagnall (1977). Funk &. Wagnall's Standard desk dictionary (New York: Funk & Wagnall's, Thomas Y. Crowell).

[8] Gallardo, A. (1978). The standardization of American English, A Ph. D. dissertalon In linguistics (Buffalo: Department of Linguistics, Stale University of New York at Buffalo).

[9] Garvin, P. (1981). 'Linguistics as a resource in language planning', Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie. Heft 13 - Juli 1981. Sprachtheorie und Sprach(en)-politik. ed. by H. Glück. 17-31.

[10] Gessinger, J. and H. Glück (1983). 'Historique et étal du débat sur la norme linguistique en Allemagne', La norme linguistique. Textes colligés et présentés par E. Bedard et J. Maurais du Conseil de la langue française, 203-52 (Quebec: Conseil de la langue française; Paris: Collection L'ordre ties mots, Le Robert).

[11] Gove, Ph. B. ed in-chief (1961). Webster's Third new international dictionary of the English language. Unabridged (Springfield, Mass.: G. C. Merriam Co).

[12] Haugen, E. (1966). 'Linguistics and language planning', Sociolinguistics, ed. by W. Bright. 50-67 (The Hague: Mouton).

[13] Havránek, B. (1963). Studie o spisovném jazyce [Standard language studies] (Prague: Nakladatelství Českoslovcnské akademie věd).

[14] Jedlička, A. (1974). Spisovný jazyk v současné komunikaci [Standard language in contemporary communication! (Prague: Charles University).

[15] Michaels, L. and Ch. Ricks, eds. (1979). The state of language (Berkeley, etc.: University of California Press).

[16] Perrin, P. G. (1965). Writer's guide and index to English, 4th ed. (Chicago, etc.: Scott. Foresman & Co.).

[17] Strunk, W. Jr. (1979). The elements of style, with revisions, etc. ed. by E. B. White, 3rd ed. (New York: Macmillan; London: Collier Macmillan).

[18] Wolf, L. (1983). 'La normalisation du langage en France. De Malherbe à Grevisse', La norme linguistique, Textes colligés et présentés par E. Bédard et J. Maurais, 105-37 (Québec: Conseil de la langue française; Paris: Collection L'ordre des mots, Le Robert).