Magické myšlení a moderní přírodní vědy : Lysenko versus Mendel - proč je idea "dědičnosti získaných vlastností" stále přitažlivá?

Title: Magické myšlení a moderní přírodní vědy : Lysenko versus Mendel - proč je idea "dědičnosti získaných vlastností" stále přitažlivá?
Variant title:
  • Magic thinking and modern natural science : Lysenko versus Mendel - plausibility of the idea of "inheritance of aquired characters"
Source document: Religio. 1998, vol. 6, iss. 1, pp. [61]-73
  • ISSN
    1210-3640 (print)
    2336-4475 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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In the history of modern natural science a number of basic methods of research and understanding may be traced. Modern experience science are based on an ahistoric abstract model and its experimental verification. In the evolution theories (originating in the 19th century) we can find the elements of both concepts blended together. First, a historizing view based on understanding of time as linear, rising and progressing, drawn from the Enlightenment concept of the human history. Second, the ahistorical model of species, natural and artifical selection, blending theory, inheritance of acquired characters, vegetative hybridization etc, which are often not based on abstract causal conceptions, but on the "science of the concrete" (in Lévi-Strauss's sense) containing elements of the magie thinking. This way of thinking does not respect different levels of the causal relationship. For example according to T. D. Lysenko the vegetative hybridization was to be supposed as a proof of the idea of the inheritance of acquired characters. In this article a number of examples are given from the history of biology and genetics illustrating such influences.