Silent Bergman full of words

Title: Silent Bergman full of words
Source document: Theatralia. 2019, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 45-60
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Ingmar Bergman, in addition to producing a large number of films, also worked for the theatre and in radio. All of his activities were intertwined and influenced one another. The paper outlines Bergman's traces in radio with an emphasis on Czech radio production. It reflects the biographic readings, monodrama, dialogic plays as well as more extensive plays which, thanks to their intimate setting, the intensity of relationships among characters and meaning, correspond to the character of Bergman's late work. Relying on the analyses by Jess Kalin and radio theoreticians Martin Shingler and Cindy Wieringa, the authors look into the imaginativeness of Bergman's plays with a particular focus on the dimensions of silence and words.
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[6] KALIN, Jesse. 2003. The Films of Ingmar Bergman. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

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[9] SHINGLER, Martin and Cindy WIERINGA. 1998. On Air. Methods and Meanings of Radio. London: Bloomsbury, 1998.

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