Otakar Zich on the dramatic acting

Title: Otakar Zich on the dramatic acting
Source document: Theatralia. 2020, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 81-88
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Article

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This study deals with Otakar Zich's conception of dramatic acting as defined in his 1931 The Aesthetics of Dramatic Art and the historical context in which the concept was formed, e.g. within the first generation of Czech Modernism in the 1890s of which Zich was a member. Zich's aesthetics were influenced by (1) experimental psychology, particularly the associationism Zich adopted from his professor František Krejčí; (2) a theory of the work of art developed by first-generation Modernists under the influence of Richard Wagner; and (3) Nietzschean individualism. Coming from this background, Zich could not fully anticipate the tumultuous developments in theatre during the interwar period, especially the latest practical and theoretical innovations in the field of anti-illusionistic avant-garde acting.
The paper is an outcome of a research project Divadlo jako syntéza umění: Otakar Zich v kontextu moderní vědy a dnešní potenciál jeho konceptů / Theatre as Synthesis of Arts: Otakar Zich in Context of Modern Science and Actual Potential of His Concepts (GAČR 2016-2018, GA16-20335S).
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