Lost in translation? : the idea of the garden city and its migration to the Czech lands, 1900–1938

Title: Lost in translation? : the idea of the garden city and its migration to the Czech lands, 1900–1938
Source document: Art East Central. 2021, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 77-104
  • ISSN
    2695-1428 (online)
Type: Article

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The article is the first introduction to the garden city movement in the Czech lands. The dynamic transformations of its trajectory are highlighted by selected upheavals. It spans from its cautious beginnings in the first decade of the twentieth century to its climax in the 1920s, and a singular appropriation of the urban vision by the Czechoslovak government in the 1930s. Encompassing the turbulent era, the way in which the garden city utopia was approached exposes not only implementation of the modern urban concept but also the constant response to political transformations underlined by Czech and Germans conflicts in what was to become interwar Czechoslovakia.
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