Die Erzählung "Pan učitel" von Božena Němcová zwischen Texten und Kontexten

Title: Die Erzählung "Pan učitel" von Božena Němcová zwischen Texten und Kontexten
Variant title:
  • Božena Němcová's story "Pan učitel" [Our Teacher] amidst texts and contexts
Source document: Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik. 2021, vol. 35, iss. 2, pp. 41-61
  • ISSN
    1803-7380 (print)
    2336-4408 (online)
Type: Article

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In this paper, I focus on the intertextual relations and contexts of Božena Němcová's short fiction "Pan učitel" [Our Teacher], especially in relation to František Mošner's educational story "Pěstounka" [Foster-mother] (1851) and the piece of prose "Philosophie für die Ewigkeit. Skizze aus dem Leben eines Dorfschulmeisters" [Philosophy for Eternity] (1855) by A. F. Liebelt, a now forgotten German-language author. It is very likely that Němcová read the story in Album der Erinnerungen [Book of Memories] (1855). The Album belonged to the Prague magazine Erinnerungen, where Němcová published a part of Babička [Grandmother] in German. She became acquainted with Mošner's "Pěstounka" on the recommendation of friends who knew the author personally. Němcová published her story "Pan učitel" in Sborník – kalendář učitelský [Teachers' Calendar] for 1860. The collection was a part of the educational magazine Škola a život [School and Life], edited by the Catholic priest and teacher F. V. Řezáč. Contrary to biographical interpretations, it is confirmed that the contemporary Czech-German literary field contained texts that Němcová knew and fictionalized in a specific way, using the plot devices and key values of patriotic romanticism and Biedermeier. Liebelt's story is a celebration of the rural teacher and his work, but it is not, unlike Němcová's, a Biedermeier idyll. It also contains a critique of society in the spirit of the ideals of the movement Junges Deutschland [Young Germany], setting the stage for the practices of ideal realism that German-language literary criticism repeatedly thematized in the 1850s.
Die deutsche Fassung der Studie, die in der Festschrift zum 90. Geburtstag Jaroslava Janáčkovás bereits auf Tschechisch veröffentlicht worden war, wurde entsprechend gekürzt und den Publikationszwecken der Zeitschrift Brünner Beiträge für Germanistik und Nordistik angepasst. Ich zitiere aus der tschechischen Originalfassung und versuche zumindest den Zusammenhang des Zitates zu verdeutlichen. Die Studie entstand im Rahmen des Projektes der Philosophischen Fakultät MU MUNI/A/1101/2020 Salonní próza 2. poloviny 19. století v literárních a intermediálních souvislostech.
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