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Displaying 1 - 25 of 822

Kocmanová, Jessie. Table of contents. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 7.

Kocmanová, Jessie. The harmony of structure: The earthly paradise. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 13–117.

Mrázek, Roman. Поетическое созревание Вильяма Морриса : [Russian summary]. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 215–216.

Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morrise = Básnické dozrávání W. Morrise : [Czech summary]. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 213–214.

Back matter. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. .

Kocmanová, Jessie. An experiment in communication: Love is enough. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 118–135.

Kocmanová, Jessie. Poetry for the revolution : occasional lyrics and later poetry. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 178–208.

Kocmanová, Jessie. Introduction. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 9–12.

Front matter. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. .

Kocmanová, Jessie. Notes. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 217–222.

Kocmanová, Jessie. Bibliography. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 209–212.

Kocmanová, Jessie. The wholeness of maturity: Sigurd the Volsung. In: Kocmanová, Jessie. The poetic maturing of William Morris : from earthly paradise to the pilgrims of hope. 1964, pp. 136–177.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Introduction. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 9–14.

Front matter. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. .

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Conclusion. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 414–424.

Back matter. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. .

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray as a reader and critic of poetry. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 313–341.

Errata. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. .

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's conception of criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 100–126.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Table of contents. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 7.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's qualifications as a literary critic. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 15–42.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray as a critic of non-fiction books. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 370–413.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Thackeray's dramatic and theatrical criticism. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 342–369.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. Index. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 425–447.

Pantůčková, Lidmila. The main sources of Thackeray's aesthetic creed. In: Pantůčková, Lidmila. W.M. Thackeray as a critic of literature. 1972, pp. 42–99.