Gesto a Dialogické jednání

Title: Gesto a Dialogické jednání
Variant title:
  • The gesture and the Dialogical acting with the inner partner
Source document: Theatralia. 2011, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 89-107
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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In its opening part, the study pays attention to spontaneous gestures, those that naturally go hand in hand with speaking (as David McNeill characterised them). Then, its focus turns from this spontaneous gesture to a deliberate one as present in acting. It primarily relies on Honzl's study "Mimický znak a mimický příznak" and Giacomo Rizzolatti's reasearch on mirror-neurons. Finally, these concepts are applied on concrete gestures made by students in "dialogical acting with an inner partner" – discipline exploring the so-called non-objective acting (acting without a specified theme), in which student's acting changes from spontaneous to conscious gesture and vice versa. The research has pointed out the importance of a so-called prelinguistic acting in the opening phase of each experiment, which, then, went hand in hand with rhythmical, non-articulated gestures.
Text vznikl v rámci řešení projektu GA AV ČR IAA701840901 Dialogické jednání v individuálním, skupinovém a kulturním kontextu.
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