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Zobrazují se záznamy 51 - 75 z celkového počtu 301

Krajník, Filip. Her Majesty's Shakespeare : Shakespearean echoes in songs by Queen. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2022, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 151–159.

Stafford-Mills, Yvonne Nicolle. East meets West at Tiananmen Square : Does Lin Zhaohua's post-Tiananmen Hamlet catch the conscience of Beijing?. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2022, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 77–94.

Mikyšková, Anna, Seidler, Kareen. An interview with Kareen Seidler on early modern German Hamlet, its importance for Hamlet studies, and its new translation into English. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2022, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 163–171.

Livingstone, David. "More things in heaven and earth" : new directions in Hamlet adaptations. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2022, roč. 11, č. 1, s. 49–59.

Haváč, Ondřej. Závěrečné shrnutí. In: Haváč, Ondřej. Exil a identita : posrpnový exil v Rakousku a Švýcarsku. 2022, s. 234–243.

Haváč, Ondřej. Bibliografie. In: Haváč, Ondřej. Exil a identita : posrpnový exil v Rakousku a Švýcarsku. 2022, s. 249–261.

Haváč, Ondřej. Exile and identity : the post-Prague Spring exile in Austria and Switzerland : summary. In: Haváč, Ondřej. Exil a identita : posrpnový exil v Rakousku a Švýcarsku. 2022, s. 244–248.

Polická, Alena. The dynamics of the diffusion of lexical innovations : identity, neologisms and sociolects in the French language context : summary. In: Polická, Alena. Dynamika šíření lexikálních inovací : identitární neologie a sociolektologie ve francouzském jazykovém kontextu. 2022, s. 237–239.

Červyns'ka, Ol'ha V'jačeslavìvna, Dzyk, Roman. Переводческий опыт Достоевского : у истоков становления авторского метода. Slavica litteraria. 2022, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 61–70.

Slavica litteraria. Slavica litteraria. 2022, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 206.

Lu, Wei-lun. Literature review. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 17–29.

Lu, Wei-lun. List of abbreviations. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 176.

Lu, Wei-lun. The making of lexical meaning. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 151–156.

Lu, Wei-lun. Subjectification, attenuation and conceptual archetypes. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 129–150.

Lu, Wei-lun. Data and methodology. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 31–34.

Lu, Wei-lun. The metaphorical senses of up. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 63–88.

Lu, Wei-lun. Language, space and thought. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 9–15.

Lu, Wei-lun. Summary. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 157–161.

Lu, Wei-lun. List of figures. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 175–176.

Lu, Wei-lun. Bibliography. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 167–173.

Lu, Wei-lun. The core senses of shàng. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 89–127.

Lu, Wei-lun. List of tables. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 175.

Lu, Wei-lun. The core senses of up. In: Lu, Wei-lun. A conceptual exploration of polysemy : a case study of (V) - (UP) and (V) - (SHÀNG). 2022, s. 35–61.

Huhák, Heléna. Door-to-door agitation : home as a political tool in the Stalinist Budapest (1948–1953). Studia historica Brunensia. 2022, roč. 69, č. 1, s. 155–174.