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Contents. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 5–8.

Musil, Libor. Participation. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 26–52.

Reference. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 142–146.

Franková, Milada. Acknowledgements. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 5.

Franková, Milada. Time has not stood still. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 9–21.

Franková, Milada. Incestuous relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 59–66.

Franková, Milada. Symbol as a bond. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 52–58.

Franková, Milada. Conclusion. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 78–79.

Contents. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 95.

Franková, Milada. Iris Murdoch in Czech. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 22–25.

Franková, Milada. Artist-saint relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 31–42.

Franková, Milada. Introduction. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 7–8.

Franková, Milada. Attention to otherness - love. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 67–77.

Franková, Milada. Notes. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 80–84.

Franková, Milada. Power relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 43–51.

Franková, Milada. Bibliography. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 85–89.

Franková, Milada. Human relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, s. 26–30.

Literatura. In: Rabušic, Ladislav. Česká společnost stárne. 1995, s. 173–183.

Rabušic, Ladislav. The Czech society is aging : on social and economic implications of demographic aging : summary. In: Rabušic, Ladislav. Česká společnost stárne. 1995, s. 184–192.

Mareš, Petr. Legitimacy. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 53–71.

Řezníček, Ivo, Sirovátka, Oldřich. Long-term unemployment in a semi-rural county. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 93–115.

Možný, Ivo. Introduction. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 9–25.

Sirovátka, Oldřich. Departures from enterprises. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 117–141.

Řezníček, Ivo. Local institutions of health service and social welfare. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, s. 72–92.

Dorovský, Ivan. Dramatické umění jižních Slovanů : (resumé). In: Dorovský, Ivan. Dramatické umění jižních Slovanů. Část 1, 1918-1941. 1995, s. 167.