A commentary on Gregory of Nazianzus, AP 8.2

Název: A commentary on Gregory of Nazianzus, AP 8.2
Zdrojový dokument: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2020, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 61-70
  • ISSN
    1803-7402 (print)
    2336-4424 (online)
Type: Článek

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This article proposes a formal and linguistic commentary on an epigram by Gregory of Nazianzus (AP 8.21). It then makes some general observations. The poem belongs to a series of epigrams dedicated to Gregory's father, who is also the persona loquens. The poet starts with a well-known scriptural quotation from the Book of Micah (5) about how small Bethlehem is and extends the same concept to Nazianzus, the village whose spiritual care Gregory's father has entrusted to him. In each case, the town's small size corresponds to its inversely proportional spiritual importance. The formal solutions adopted in the epigram, specifically the use of the adjective τυτθός, reveal the poet's admiration for and imitation of Callimachus, but also his originality in renewing pagan poetic language with the purposeful insertion of Christian vocabulary. An area for further research concerns the presence of elements of the most widespread epic diction of Gregory's time (such as the increased use of datives in -εσσι), as found in the Sibylline Oracles and Manetho's Apotelesmatics.
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