Yves Berger: Le monde apres la pluie

Název: Yves Berger: Le monde apres la pluie
Zdrojový dokument: Études romanes de Brno. 2010, roč. 31, č. 2, s. [111]-119
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The article deals with problems of time and space in Yves Berger's novel Le monde après la pluie (The World after the Rain), the theme of which is an apocalyptic vision of the destructed world after an unspecified catastrophe. The result of the disaster is destroying the space and stopping the movement of the Earth, it means of the human time. A group of last men try to save themselves escaping the biblical scene of destruction where they met. Searching for undestroyed part of the world all of them die before reaching it, except the protagonist, the main witness of the events. He himself is killed, however, at the end of the novel, in the moment of reestablishment of the World order, by a tribe of Neolithic people. The History of mankind is to be restarted. The novel features sciencefiction scenery with several motives of space and time, muted and degenerated, own to dystopias. The absence of the Earth movement causes the cessation of human time inspiring a reflection on history of human race. More than science fiction the novel seems to be a symbolic vision of the History and the future of humanity.
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[4] BERGER, Yves. Le Fou d'Amérique. Paris: Grasset, 1976.

[5] BERGER, Yves. Les Matins du Nouveau Monde. Paris: Grasset, 1987.

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[7] BOULLE, Pierre. La planète des singes. Paris: Julliard, 1963.

[8] Dictionnaire des littératures française et étrangères. Paris: Larousse, 1992.

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[10] GRAINVILLE, Jean-Baptiste François Xavier Cousin de. Le dernier homme. Paris: Deterville, 1805.

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[14] Le Magazine littéraire, No 232, juillet 1986.

[15] The Encyclopedia of Science-Fiction. London: Orbit, 1999.

[16] http:www.etudes-litteraires.com