The Passion of the Robbers of Šlapanice according to Bartoš, the Executioner of Brno: between history and parody

Název: The Passion of the Robbers of Šlapanice according to Bartoš, the Executioner of Brno: between history and parody
Zdrojový dokument: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2021, roč. 26, č. 1, s. 37-51
  • ISSN
    1803-7402 (print)
    2336-4424 (online)
Type: Článek

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This study presents a new edition of an intriguing opuscule entitled Passio raptorum de Slapanicz, secundum Bartoss, tortorem Brunnensem (The Passion of the Robbers of Šlapanice According to Bartoš, the Executioner of Brno), which describes the violent repression of a group of robbers tormenting the village of Šlapanice at Easter 1401 by burghers from Brno. The story is presented with the ample use of phrases from and allusions to the Gospels, creating a comic effect. Together with several other texts, it belongs among the so-called "mock-Passion narratives". It survives in a single manuscript (Prague, National Library, III E 27, ff. 61r–63r) from the end of the 15th century. The event described is not documented in any other source and the text displays several surprising features, such as a long list of (at least partly imaginary) villains, several exhortatory speeches, and a twisted validation formula. It thus remains rather enigmatic.
The research leading to this study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund project KREAS, reg. no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734, as well as the Charles University project Progres Q07, "Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages." I am very grateful to Kateřina Voleková for all her help with the Old Czech transcription and interpretation, Jeff Rider for correcting my English, and the anonymous reviewers for their useful remarks. This study is for my teacher Stanislav Zajíček, a proud inhabitant of Šlapanice.
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