
Zobrazují se záznamy 421 - 450 z celkového počtu 1590

Dohnal, Josef. Василий Кириллович Тредиаковский (1703–1769). In: Dohnal, Josef. Русская литература XVIII века. Избранные тексты I, Хрестоматия. 2013, s. 73–109.

Dohnal, Josef. Александр Петрович Сумароков (1717–1777). In: Dohnal, Josef. Русская литература XVIII века. Избранные тексты I, Хрестоматия. 2013, s. 111–164.

Dohnal, Josef. Антиох Дмитриевич Кантемир (1708–1744). In: Dohnal, Josef. Русская литература XVIII века. Избранные тексты I, Хрестоматия. 2013, s. 31–72.

Chovanec, Jan. Introduction. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 5.

Vachek, Josef. On the functional hierarchy of spoken and written utterances. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 78–94.

Vachek, Josef. On the interplay of external and internal factors in the development of language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 64–77.

Firbas, Jan. Dogs must be carried on the escalator : (a case study in FSP potentiality). In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 114–127.

Chovanec, Jan. Approaching Czech linguistic functionalism. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 6–26.

Mukařovský, Jan. Standard language and poetic language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 41–53.

Chovanec, Jan. Acknowledgements. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 4.

Mathesius, Vilém. The English sentence as a whole: complex condensation and word order. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 95–113.

Vachek, Josef. Remarks on the dynamism of the system of language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 54–63.

Havránek, Bohuslav. The functional differentiation of the standard language. In: Chapters from the history of Czech functional linguistics. 2014, s. 27–40.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Acknowledgements. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 5.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Middle English. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 46–61.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Old English. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 23–45.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Sound changes from Proto-Indo-European to Early Modern English. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 68–84.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Abbreviations and symbols. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 6.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Proto-Indo-European. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 8–17.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Preface. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 4.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Early Modern English. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 62–67.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. The role of foreign languages in the development of English. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 85–93.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Proto-Germanic. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 18–22.

Chamonikolasová, Jana. Introduction. In: Chamonikolasová, Jana. A concise history of English. 2014, s. 7.

Dohnal, Josef. Двойничество в цикле "Петербургских повестей" Н.В. Гоголя. In: N. V. Gogol: Bytí díla v prostoru a čase : (studie o živém dědictví). 2010, s. 111–117.

Polonskij, Vadim Vladimirovič. Вековой юбилей Гоголя: по материалам русских газет 1909 года. In: N. V. Gogol: Bytí díla v prostoru a čase : (studie o živém dědictví). 2010, s. 321–329.

Binová, Galina Pavlovna. Гоголь и Шевченко: творческие влияния и взаимодействия. In: N. V. Gogol: Bytí díla v prostoru a čase : (studie o živém dědictví). 2010, s. 31–38.

Odinokov, Viktor Georgijevič. Ансамблевость в поэтике А.С. Пушкина как жанрообразующий фактор. In: Genologické studie. II, K poctě profesora Franka Wollmana. 1993, s. 221–226.

Žytnyk, Volodymyr Kostjantynovyč. К типологической характеристике украинской и чешской поэзии на рубеже 19 [i.e. XIX] и 20 [i.e. XX] веков. In: Genologické studie. II, K poctě profesora Franka Wollmana. 1993, s. 183–189.

Kšicová, Danuše. Проблематика русского модернизма. In: Genologické studie. II, K poctě profesora Franka Wollmana. 1993, s. 123–128.