
Zobrazují se záznamy 181 - 183 z celkového počtu 183

Šalamoun, Jiří. Satira Ishmaela Reeda : od nestandardní sexuality k argumentaci : resumé. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, s. 105–107.

Šalamoun, Jiří. The evolution of satirical techniques in the novels of Ishmael Reed. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, s. 34–95.

Šalamoun, Jiří. Research methodology : an interdisciplinary approach. In: Šalamoun, Jiří. The satire of Ishmael Reed : from non-standard sexuality to argumentation. 2019, s. 24–29.