
Zobrazují se záznamy 121 - 150 z celkového počtu 304

Blažek, Václav. Acknowledgement. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 0–ii.

Blažek, Václav. Uralic numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 89–101.

Blažek, Václav. Kartvelian numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 80–88.

Blažek, Václav. Saharan numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 1–14.

Blažek, Václav. Egyptian numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 28–56.

Blažek, Václav. Introduction. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 0–v.

Blažek, Václav. Altaic numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 102–140.

Blažek, Václav. Patterns of creating numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 325–337.

Blažek, Václav. Berber numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 57–79.

Blažek, Václav. Nubian numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, s. 15–27.

Schwarz, Michal, Srba, Ondřej. Vietnam in the era of Western powers : summary. In: Schwarz, Michal. , Srba, Ondřej. Vietnam v éře západních velmocí. 2016, s. 189–190.

Krejčí, Pavel. Summary. In: Krejčí, Pavel. Srbská frazeologie v českém a bulharském překladu : kontrastivní analýza. 2015, s. 180–186.

Pražák, Richard. Einleitung. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský als Hungarist und Finno-Ugrist. 1967, s. 7.

Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský as an expert in Hungarian and Fenno-Ugric. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský als Hungarist und Finno-Ugrist. 1967, s. 171–176.

Marcholeva, Krasimira. Undermining the image of Austria-Hungary in the USA (1914–1915). Studia historica Brunensia. 2018, roč. 65, č. 2, s. 47–70.

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Bárta, Stanislav. Jaroslav Schaller a historická topografie. Studia historica Brunensia. 2021, roč. 68, č. 1, s. 5.

Baronas, Darius. Good faith and Realpolitik : approaching the art of politics of Lithuanian rulers in the fourteenth century. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, roč. 66, č. 2, s. 31–44.

Mickūnaitė, Giedrė. Religious debate and visual compromise : interpreting Byzantine murals in Lithuania and Poland. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, roč. 66, č. 2, s. 127–157.

Lepri, Valentina. The spread of Italian political culture during the Renaissance: remarks on the first fortunes of Guicciardini's works. Studia historica Brunensia. 2011, roč. 58, č. 2, s. 3–12.

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Schmidt, Ondřej. The castle of Collalto at war : the social structure of the garrison and the organization of the system of defence in 1373. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, roč. 66, č. 1, s. 153–181.

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