Príbeh, ktorý nebol : postmoderné symptómy a poetika príbehovosti v dramatickom texte La Paranoia

Název: Príbeh, ktorý nebol : postmoderné symptómy a poetika príbehovosti v dramatickom texte La Paranoia
Zdrojový dokument: Postmodernismus : smysl, funkce a výklad : (jazyk, literatura, kultura, politika). Pospíšil, Ivo (editor); Šaur, Josef (editor); Zelenková, Anna (editor). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, pp. [47]-57
Přístupová práva
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Licence: Neurčená licence
Mixed-media theatre performance La Paranoia from argentinian playwright Rafael Spregelburd embodies some of the typical markers of postmodern poetics of story: intertextual play outside as well as inside the text (with repeating alusions and paralels structuring its sjuzhet), absent semantic closure of key motifs pretending to explain sens of action and plot, ("plot about emplotment") analysing and revealing the semiotic mechanisms of making a plot (reasonable structure) of arbitrary, "capricious" materia, which represents strategy or principle of extravagant "excesive (con)fabulation" – one of the symptoms of new story architexture in modern and postmodern works. La Paranoia tries to built meaningful structure out of pure paradox and antinomy, disturbing the conventional rationality of story-building; in its excentric hyperbolised (mis)use of stereotypical plot devices from pop genres arises hybrid mutant, discontinuous chain of incoherent linearity, paranoic conspiration ("plot", plan, scheme, design) generated by desplayire for lost whole pattern.