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Zobrazují se záznamy 201 - 214 z celkového počtu 214

Cigán, Michal. Myth and its academic reflection. In: Cigán, Michal. Priest-king of the warriors and witch-queen of the others : cargo cult and witch hunt in Indo-European myth and reality. 2019, s. 17–27.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Myth: an attempt at understanding university history. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 10–19.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of autonomous university governance. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 159–187.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of contributing to society. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 125–158.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The history of university culture and some current issues. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 208–221.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of university freedom. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 20–37.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of the unified university. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 69–105.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Myth and traditions of Central European university culture : (an introduction for international readers). In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 7–9.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of territory. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 188–207.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Name index. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 242–245.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Mythen und Traditionen der mitteleuropäischen universitären Kultur : Zusammenfassung. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 222–223.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of indisputable foundations. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 106–124.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Bibliography and sources. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 224–241.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The Humboldtian myth. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, s. 38–68.