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Zobrazují se záznamy 1 - 12 z celkového počtu 12

Klímová, Zuzana. Language as a mirror of cultural syncretism and hybridity. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 93–104.

Švarc, Ksenija. The trauma of neo-colonialism in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things and Aravind Agiga's The White Tiger. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 105–118.

Furkó, Péter, Nagy, Anna. Well Breaking Bad: English well and its Hungarian counterparts in scripted dialogues. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 143–168.

Kloučková, Veronika. The degrees of spokenness in two modes of CMC. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 76–92.

Stehlíková, Lenka. Some thoughts on the information structure of traffic signs. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 119–141.

Michta, Kamil. A culture of language, a language of culture: Nietzsche's mnemonics in J. M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 17–26.

Kolcún, Dušan. Filmic influences on Vietnam War video games. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 27–38.

Pirc, Ana Monika. Construction grammar and "non-native discourse". Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 55–73.

Hochmanová, Dita. Image and discourse: the rhetoric of virtue and vice in early 18th century England. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 1–2.

Pausch, Barbara. Anglo-Canadian short story anthologies in German(y): 1967-2010. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2013, roč. 6, č. 1, s. 39–40.

Theory and Practice in English Studies, 2013, vol. 6, issue 2.

Theory and Practice in English Studies, 2013, vol. 6, issue 1.