L'espace du quotidien et la temporalité dans Microfictions de Régis Jauffret

Název: L'espace du quotidien et la temporalité dans Microfictions de Régis Jauffret
Autor: Lis, Jerzy
Zdrojový dokument: Études romanes de Brno. 2010, roč. 31, č. 2, s. [17]-26
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The literature of the extreme contemporary is characterized by a spectacular entry of the everyday that is known to favor the ordinary, symbolizing the inhabited or the through-traveled space, to the detriment of the extraordinary that requires temporal support. The succession of everyday refers to the repetitive, if not obsessed practice of space, whose quantitative face is incessantly reconstructed by means of divided, so essentially cyclic time. Where the ordinary connotes the absence of events, time is only an experience of the lived instantaneous. In Microfictions by Régis Jauffret the everyday, both trivial and unbearable, is a mosaic of characters who struggle here and now. For the author of this miniscule fiction, the everyday existence is defined as a succession of noticeable accidents that give rhythm to the ordinary and undifferentiated flow of time.
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