Инновационные тенденции в русском языке последних лет в лингвокультурологическом освещении

Název: Инновационные тенденции в русском языке последних лет в лингвокультурологическом освещении
Transliterovaný název
Innovacionnyje tendencii v russkom jazyke poslednich let v lingvokul'turologičeskom osveščenii
Variantní název:
  • The innovative tendencies in the Russian of recent years in the elucidation of linguistics and cultural studies
Zdrojový dokument: Новая русистика. 2008, roč. 1, č. 2, s. [51]-63
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The author of the present article makes an attempt at the evaluation to what extent the innovative tendencies in contemporary Russian correspond to certain ways of language conceptualization of the world typical especially of Russian mentality, of the Russian language map of the world. The starting position of the research consists in the presupposition that in the sphere of innovative phenomena in the Russian of recent years the contradiction of the two dialectically antinomical tendencies can be observed. On the one hand, it represents the reflection of the Russian principles of conceptualization of the world in language, on the other, the directly opposite tendencies can be seen according to which many innovations began to reflect the cognitive, axiological and motivational-pragmatic orientations not characteristic of Russian "world outlook". The research is being realised on the material of Russian on the internet, in concrete terms, in the sphere of informal internet communication (chats, forums, conferences, blogs etc.) as this very environment represents one of the most dynamic and most actively developing communicative systems in Russian speech practice.
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