Scene and perspective

Název: Scene and perspective
Variantní název:
  • Scéna a perspektiva
Autor: Firbas, Jan
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 1981, roč. 14, č. 1, s. 37-79
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
Licence: Neurčená licence

Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.

[1] Arnold, G. F. and Tooley, O. M. (1971). Say it with rhythm 2 (London).

[2] Beneš, E. (1968). On two aspects of functional sentence perspective, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 3.267—74 (Prague).

[3] Beneš, E. (1970). Über zwei Aspekte der funktionalen Satzperspektive, Actes du Xe Congrès International des Linguistes, t. I. 1022—6 (Bucharest).

[4] Benešová, E., see Sgall P., Hajičová, E. and Benešová, E.

[5] Bolinger, D. L. (1952). Linear modification, Publications of the Modern Language Association 67.1117—44; reprinted in D. L. Bolinger, Forms of English 279—307 (Tokyo 1965). | DOI 10.2307/459963

[6] Boost, K . (1955). Neue Untersuchungen zum Wesen und zur Struktur des deutschen Satzes (Der Satz als Spannungsfeld) (Berlin).

[7] Chafe, W. L. (1974). Language and consciousness, Language 50.111—33 (Baltimore). | DOI 10.2307/412014

[8] Dahl, Ö. (1976). What is new information?, Reports on textlinguistics: Approaches to word order 37—50 (Äbo).

[9] Daneš, F. (1964a). Téma/základ/východisko výpovědi [The theme of the utterance], Slovo a slovesnost 25.148—9 (Prague).

[10] Daneš, F. (1964b). A three-level approach to syntax, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1.255—40 (Prague).

[11] Daneš, F. (1966). The relation of centre and periphery as a language universal, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 2.9—22 (Prague).

[12] Daneš, F. (1968). Some thoughts on the semantic structure of the sentence, Lingua 21.55—69 (Amsterdam). | DOI 10.1016/0024-3841(68)90038-7

[13] Daneš, F. (1974a). (Ed.) Papers on functional sentence perspective (Prague).

[14] Daneš, F. (1974b). Functional sentence perspective and the organization of the text, in Daneš 1974a. 106—28 (Prague).

[15] Daneš, F. (1979). O identifikaci známé (kontextově zapojené) informace v textu [On the identification of known (given, contextually dependent) information], Slovo a slovesnost 40.257—70 (Prague).

[16] Daneš, F., et al. (1973). Práce o sémantické struktuře věty (přehled a kritický rozbor) [Studies in the semantic structure of the sentence (A critical survey and analysis)] (Prague).

[17] Daneš, F., see Dokulil, M. and Daneš, F.

[18] Dokulil, M . and Daneš, F. (1958). K tzv. významové a mluvnické stavbě věty [On the so-called semantic and grammatical structure of the sentence], O vědeckém poznání soudobých jazyků 231—46 (Prague).

[19] Fillmore, C. J. (1968). The case for case. In Bach, E. and Harms, R. (eds.), Universals in linguistic theory 1—88 (New York).

[20] Fillmore, C. J. (1977). The case for case reopened. In Cole, P. and Saddock, J. M. (eds.), Syntax and semantics 8.59—81 (New York).

[21] Firbas, J. (1957a). K otázce nezákladových podmětů v současné angličtině [On the problem of non-thematic subjects in contemporary English], Časopis pro moderní filologii 39.22—42, 165-73 (Prague).

[22] Firbas, J. (1957b). Some thoughts on the function of word order in Old English and Modern English, Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské university A 5.72-100 (Brno).

[23] Firbas, J. (1959). Thoughts on the communicative function of the verb in English, German and Czech, Brno Studies in English 1.39—68 (Prague).

[24] Firbas, J. (1961). On the communicative value of the modern English finite verb, Brno Studies in English 3.79—104 (Prague).

[25] Firbas, J. (1964). From comparative word-order studies, Brno Studies in English 4.111-28 (Prague).

[26] Firbas, J. (1965). A note on transition proper in functional sentence analysis, Philologica Pragensia 8.170—6 (Prague).

[27] Firbas, J. (1966). Non-thematic subjects in contemporary English, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 2.239—56 (Prague). Reprinted in Koch, W. A. (ed.), Strukturelle Text-Analyse (Hildesheim—New York 1972).

[28] Firbas, J. (1967). It was yesterday that..., Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A 15.141—6 (Brno).

[29] Firbas, J. (1968). On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb as means of functional sentence perspective, Brno Studies in English 7.11—48 (Brno).

[30] Firbas, J. (1969). On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb — object combination as means of functional sentence perspective, Brno Studies in English 8.49—59 (Brno).

[31] Firbas, J. (1970). On the interplay of means of functional sentence perspective, Actes du Xe Congres International des Linguistes, t. II. 741—5 (Bucharest).

[32] Firbas, J. (1971). On the concept of communicative dynamism in the theory of functional sentence perspective, Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A 19.135—44 (Brno).

[33] Firbas , J. (1972). On the interplay of prosodic and non-prosodic means of functional sentence perspective. In Fried, V. (ed.), The Prague School of Linguistics and language teaching 77—94 (London).

[34] Firbas, J. (1975a). On the thematic and the non-thematic section of the sentence. In Ringbom, H . (ed.), Style and text (Studies presented to Nils Erik Enkvist) 317-34 (Stockholm).

[35] Firbas, J. (1975b). On 'existence/appearance on the scene' in functional sentence perspective, Prague Studies in English 16.47—70 (Prague).

[36] Firbas, J. (1976). A study in the functional perspective of the English and the Slavonic interrogative sentence, Brno Studies in English 12.9—56 (Brno).

[37] Firbas, J. (1978). K problematice tématu výpovědi [Problems concerning the theme]. In Mayenowa, M . R. (ed.), Tekst, język, poetyka 29—46 (Wrocław).

[38] Firbas, J. (1979a). A functional view of 'ordo naturalis', Brno Studies in English 13.29-59 (Brno).

[39] Firbas, J. (1979b). Úvaha o Ertlově pojetí českého slovního pořádku [Reflections on Ertl's approach to Czech word order], Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A 27.185—96 (Brno).

[40] Firbas, J. (1980). Post-intonation-centre prosodic shade in the modern English clause, in Greenbaum, S., Leech, G. and Svartvik, J. (eds.), Studies in English linguistics for Randolph Quirk 125—33 (London).

[41] Firbas, J. (in print). Has every sentence a theme and a rheme? To be published in a collection of papers prepared under the editorship of John Anderson in honour of Professor Angus McIntosh.

[42] Firbas, J. (in print). On the concepts of scene and perspective in Fillmore's approach and in that of functional sentence perspective, to be published in a collection of papers presented at the 1980 Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea (Sandor Rot, ed., Budapest).

[43] Firbas, J. and Golková, E. (1975). An analytical bibliography of Czechoslovak studies in functional sentence perspective (Brno).

[44] Golková, E., see Firbas, J. and Golková, E.

[45] Greenbaum, S., see Quirk, B., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., Svartvik, J.

[46] Gunter, R., (1966). On the placement of accent in dialogue, Journal of linguistics 2.159-73 (London-New York).

[47] Haftka, B. (1977). Einige Überlegungen zu Mitteilungswert, "semantischer Wortfolge" und Satzgliedstellung, Linguislische Studien, Reihe A:35.1—23 (Berlin).

[48] Hajičová, E. (1975). Negace a presupozice ve významové stavbě věty [Negation and presupposition in the semantic structure of the sentence] (Prague).

[49] Halliday, M. A. K. (1967). Notes on transitivity and theme in English, Part 2, Journal of lingustics 3.199—244 (London—New York).

[50] Leech, G., see Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., Svartvik, J.

[51] Lewis, W. J. (1977). People speaking (Berlin—Oxford).

[52] Mathesius, V. (1929). Zur Satzperspektive im modernen Englisch. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 84, Bd. 155 (der neuen Serie Bd. 55), 200—10 (Braunschweig).

[53] Mathesius, V . (1947). Čeština a obecný jazykozpyt, Soubor statí [The Czech language and general linguistics, A collection of papers] (Prague). Reprinted in part as Materialien zum Curriculum der west- und südslawischen Linguistik Nr. 1, Vilém Mathesius, Čeština a obecný jazykozpyt, Prag 1947 (Teilnachdruck mit neuem Anhang), with an appendix prepared by Josef Vachek (Frankfurt am Mai n 1979).

[54] Mathesius, V. (1975). A functional analysis of present-day English, ed. by J. Vachek and transl. by L. Dušková (Prague).

[55] MacCarthy, P. A. D. (1956). English conversation reader (London).

[56] Poldauf, I. (1970). Case in contemporary English, Philologica Pragensia 13.121—31 (Prague).

[57] Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., Svartvik, J. (1972). A grammar of contemporary English (London).

[58] Reichling, A. (1961). Principles and methods of syntax: cryptoanalytical formalism, Lingua 10.1—17 (Amsterdam). | DOI 10.1016/0024-3841(61)90108-5

[59] Sgall, P. (1972). Fillmore's mysteries and topic vs. comment, Journal of linguistics 8.283-8 (London-New York).

[60] Sgall, P. (1975). On the nature of topic and focus. In Ringbom, H . (ed.), Style and text (Studies presented to Nils Erik Enkvist) 409—15 (Stockholm).

[61] Sgall, P., Hajičová E. and Benešová E. (1973). Topic, focus and generative semantics (Kronberg/Taunus).

[62] Svartvik, J., see Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., Svartvik, J.

[63] Svoboda, A . (1968). The hierarchy of communicative units and fields as illustrated by English attributive constructions, Brno Studies in English 7.49—101 (Brno).

[64] Svoboda, A. (1981). Two chapters on scene, Brno Studies in English 14.81—92 (Brno).

[65] Svoboda, A. (in print). Diatheme (Brno).

[66] Tooley, O. M., see Arnold, G. F. and Tooley, O. M.

[67] Trost, P. (1962). Subjekt a predikát, Slavica Pragensia 4.267-9 (Prague).

[68] Uhlířová, L. (1972). Aktuální členění v současné generativní teorii [Functional sentence perspective in present-day generative theory], Slovo a slovesnost 33.37-43 (Prague).

[69] Vachek, J. (1966). On the integration of the peripheral elements into the system of language. Travaux linguistiques de Prague 2.23—38 (Prague).

[70] Wood, F. T. (1967). English prepositional idioms (London).