Starověrci - poutníci a Petr I. jako Antikrist : k problematice starověrecké eschatologické interpretace

Název: Starověrci - poutníci a Petr I. jako Antikrist : k problematice starověrecké eschatologické interpretace
Variantní název:
  • Old Believers-stranniki and Peter I. as the Antichrist : towards the problem of Old Believers' eschatological interpretation
Zdrojový dokument: Religio. 2009, roč. 17, č. 1, s. [37]-55
  • ISSN
    1210-3640 (print)
    2336-4475 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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Besides paying attention to the problems of Old Believer eschatological interpretation regarding the concept of understanding of Antichrist as such, this essay concentrates chiefly on the problems of associations made between Antichrist and the tsar Peter I. Its main focus lies with the concepts developed by Old Believers-stranniki, usually characterized as a synthesis of the material and immaterial Antichrist or as the concept of a "divided Antichrist". Within such concepts, Peter I is represented as the first in a sequence of rulers-Antichrists. This sovereign also serves as the target of a well developed and discrediting Old Believer argumentation which, in turn, authorizes the refusal of his successors and the authority of the tsar in general. I believe that it is particularly in this context where the topic of usurpation of the threefold authority (i.e. usurpation of the regal, religious and divine authority) stands out. This essay also understands the role played by Peter I within the Old Believerstranniki treatises as a possible parallel to his importance in the context of tsarist propaganda (i.e. Peter as the founder of the imperial dynasty; Peter as the first in a sequence of Antichrists).
Stať vznikla s finanční podporou Grantového fondu děkana Filozofické fakulty MU pro rok 2008.