The AMC Trio jazz combo and their inspirations drawn from Slovak folk music

Název: The AMC Trio jazz combo and their inspirations drawn from Slovak folk music
Zdrojový dokument: Musicologica Brunensia. 2022, roč. 57, č. 1, s. 75-88
  • ISSN
    1212-0391 (print)
    2336-436X (online)
Type: Článek

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In this study, we examine contemporary eclectic approaches to jazz and consider to what extent they allow for originality (notwithstanding the opposition between the terms "eclectic" and "original"). The music of the Slovak jazz combo AMC Trio is often seen as typically "Slovak", and the presence of Slovak folk music in their compositions is discussed in detail. Because AMC Trio is one of the most exported Slovak jazz groups, this study analyses their music to see what makes it exceptional in the Slovak context and for the introduction of European impulses to jazz. We point out the fact that the trio's compositions do not draw directly on Slovak folk music, but, nevertheless, they contain interesting parallels and indirect inspirations. These are what give a Slovak character and melodic originality to their music, which impresses even foreign artists who collaborate with them. It remains a question, therefore, whether eclecticism ultimately leads to new concepts in jazz or whether it in fact moves jazz further away from its Afro-American roots.
This paper has been supported by the VEGA grant No. 1/0015/19.
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