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Displaying 151 - 175 of 285

Nazari, Hossein, Shahroodi, Sara Taghvaei. Robert Frost's dramatic monologue : the two sides of the narrative in "A Servant to Servants". Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 177–188.

Teske, Joanna Klara, Jankowski, Jan. Dissonant and consonant narrators : Dorrit Cohn's concepts, narratorial Stance theory and cognitive literary studies. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 189–206.

Chovanec, Jan. [Sauer, Hans; Kirner-Ludwig, Monika. Evolution of English: studying the past, understanding the present]. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 207–210.

Hlaďo, Petr, Novotný, Petr, Schuchart, Claudia. Success and failure in upper secondary education : editorial. Studia paedagogica. 2022, vol. 27, iss. 4, pp. 5–9.

Dvořák, Dominik, Simonová, Jaroslava, Vyhnálek, Jan, Gal, Petr. Days after a choice is made : transition to professional and vocational upper secondary schools in Czechia. Studia paedagogica. 2022, vol. 27, iss. 4, pp. 11–43.

Rolfe, Victoria, Rosén, Monica. Delays and dropouts : identifying risks of suboptimal post-compulsory educational pathways in Sweden. Studia paedagogica. 2022, vol. 27, iss. 4, pp. 45–77.

Wiewiorowski, Jacek. The insigne of the proconsul of Africa : maritime shipping depictions in the Notitia Dignitatum. Convivium. 2022, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 14–[25].

Croci, Chiara. Pavia picta : appunti sulla cultura figurativa longobarda a partire dal San Michele. Convivium. 2022, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 26–43.

Janjalia, Mzia. Between Jerusalem and Constantinople : revisiting the eleventh century: Georgian religious art. Convivium. 2022, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 62–[81].

Harvey, Maria. From Provence to Calabria : Filippo Sangineto and Simone Martini's St Ladislas. Convivium. 2022, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 82–[101].

Gerevini, Stefania. Dynamic splendor : the metalwork altarpieces of medieval Venetia. Convivium. 2022, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 102–[123].

Photographic credits. Convivium. 2022, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 134–135.

Kirsch, Otakar, Jagošová, Lucie. Úvodní slovo. Museologica Brunensia. 2022, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 2–3.

Strle, Urška. Emigration as augmented war experience : an (auto)biographical account of Ted Kramolc. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 71–86.

Zsizsmann, Éva. Landscapes of the mind in Tamas Dobozy's Ghost Geographies. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 87–95.

Devine, Michael. The myth of manliness: Anne Carson’s H of H Playbook. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 97–106.

Blake, Jason. [Jarman, Mark Anthony. Touch Anywhere to Begin]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 107–109.

Sparling, Don. [Labudová, Katarína. Studying Margaret Atwood: Shifting the Boundaries of Genres ; Labudová, Katarína. Food in Margaret Atwood’s Speculative Fiction]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 111–113.

Horáková, Martina. "What vanishes and what remains". The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 115–119.

Krejčí, Pavel. Toponyms in Czech, Croatian and Bulgarian phraseology : summary. In: Krejčí, Pavel. Toponyma v české, chorvatské a bulharské frazeologii. 2022, pp. 212–220.

Fois, Eleonora. News translation and national image in the time of Covid-19. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 5–23.

Giofré, Valeria. Functions and distribution of determiners in Old English genitive noun phrases . Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 25–50.

Jiménez-Pareja, Sandra. On the adjective/adverb interface: subject-related -ly. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 51–69.