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Contents. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 5–8.

Musil, Libor. Participation. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 26–52.

Možný, Ivo. Sociální důsledky při změně vlastnictví : případová studie dvou průmyslových podniků v České republice - jaro 1993 : resume. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 147–154.

Reference. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 142–146.

Mareš, Petr. Legitimacy. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 53–71.

Řezníček, Ivo, Sirovátka, Oldřich. Long-term unemployment in a semi-rural county. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 93–115.

Možný, Ivo. Introduction. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 9–25.

Front matter. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. .

Back matter. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. .

Sirovátka, Oldřich. Departures from enterprises. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 117–141.

Řezníček, Ivo. Local institutions of health service and social welfare. In: Možný, Ivo. Social consequences of a change in ownership : two case studies in industrial enterprises in the Czech Republic - Spring 1993. 1995, pp. 72–92.