Въпросът за опората и депендентите в българските атрибутивни именни групи от гледна точка на опорната фразова граматика (ОФГ)

Title: Въпросът за опората и депендентите в българските атрибутивни именни групи от гледна точка на опорната фразова граматика (ОФГ)
Transliterated title
Văprosăt za oporata i dependentite v bălgarskite atributivni imenni grupi ot gledna točka na opornata frazova gramatika (OFG)
Source document: Opera Slavica. 2007, vol. 17, iss. 4, pp. 29-40
  • ISSN
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.

The paper titled The question of the head and the dependants in Bulgarian attributive nominal phrases with respect to HPSG attempts at considering the headedness within these phrases, and consequently, the relationship 'head-dependant'. The question of what is the head in some phrases is still controversial in linguistics. This concerns especially phrases with quantifiers. Having in mind the existent general criteria, we apply and HPSG-based analysis, which assumes that the noun is the head of all the attributive phrases and thus, no DP projections are allowed. Special mechanisms ensure the propagation of the relevant information from the attributive daughters to the phrase node.
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