Konštrukcia (nielen) pohanskej identity v neskorej modernite

Title: Konštrukcia (nielen) pohanskej identity v neskorej modernite
Variant title:
  • Construction of (not only) pagan identity in the late modernity
Source document: Sacra. 2020, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 22-33
  • ISSN
    1214-5351 (print)
    2336-4483 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Modernity, characterized by many macrosocial processes like secularization, rationalization but also initiatives supporting the so-called re-enchantment of the world, made religion undergo radical transformations, changing its role in individual biographies. Due to religious plurality and freedom, people engage in spiritual practices in a creative, explorative, and eclectic manner. I discuss how are religious identities constructed in the era of late modernity, and, with a focus on modern paganism, I explore the conversion rhetoric via the lenses of narrational approach to identity building. I also describe how paganism provides meanings, symbolism, and language for a biographical reconstruction of identity. My main argument is that adopting religious identity can be a reflectional, rational, and active act of identical and biographical transformation which stands in opposition to the classical concept of conversion as a passive external event.
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