Roman Jakobson's view of realism in the light of early discussions of realist literature

Title: Roman Jakobson's view of realism in the light of early discussions of realist literature
Author: Fořt, Bohumil
Source document: Brno studies in English. 2024, vol. 50, iss. 1, pp. 155-165
  • ISSN
    0524-6881 (print)
    1805-0867 (online)
Type: Article
Rights access
open access

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The phenomenon of realist literary fiction has been in the centre of attention of theoreticians and thinkers since onset. The study focuses on a critical comparison of various aspects of the realist novel in selected early discussions of realist literature, as delivered namely by Émile Zola, Hippolyte Taine, Gustav Flaubert, Guy de Maupassant, Henry James, and others, and of those delivered by Roman Jakobson in his influential study On realism in Arts (1921). This comparison is also enriched by the context of modern theoretical investigation in the field and shows the major similarities and dissimilarities between the early views of realism and its modern theoretical depiction.
[1] Becker, George Joseph (ed.) (1963) Documents of Modern Literary Realism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

[2] Desnoyers, Fernand (1963) On realism. L'Artiste, 9. December 1855. In Becker, G. J. (ed.) Documents of Modern Literary Realism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 80–88.

[3] Duranty, Edmond (1963) On Madame Bovary. Réalisme, 5. March 15, 1857. In Becker, G. J. (ed.) Documents of modern literary realism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 98-104.

[4] Duranty, Edmond (1970) [1856-1857] Réalisme, Paris, July 1856 – May 1857. Quoted in Grant, D. Realism. Methuen & Co Ltd.

[5] Eliot, George (1971) George Eliot to R. H. Hutton, 8 August 1863. In CAROLL, D. (ed.): George Eliot: The Critical Heritage. Ed. By David Carroll. Barnes and Noble, 206-207.

[6] Flaubert, Gustav (1963) To Louise Colet, March 31, 1853. In Becker, G. J. (ed.) Documents of Modern Literary Realism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 92-93.

[7] Goncourt, Edmond de (1970) Foreword to Germinie Lacerteux. Translated in Grant, D. Realism. Methuen & Co Ltd., 38.

[8] Herman, Luc (1996) Concepts of Realism. Columbia: Camden House.

[9] Jakobson, Roman (1987) On Realism in Art. In Jakobson, R. Language in Literature. Harvard University Press, 19–27.

[10] James, Henry (1884) The Art of Fiction (

[11] Lewes, George Henry (2009) The lady novelists. In: Maitzen, R. (ed.) The Victorian Art of Fiction, Nineteenth-century Essays in the Novel. Broadview Press, 45–58.

[12] Maupassant, Guy de (2014) The novel. Preface to Pierre and Jean.

[13] McHale, Brian (2008) Revisiting realisms; or, WWJD (What would Jakobson do?). The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 41 (2), 6–17.

[14] Sharp, William (1965) Review of a Howells novel The Academy. Quoted in Graham, K. English Criticism of the Novel 1865-1900. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

[15] Taine, Hipollyte (1963) Balzac. In: Becker, G. J. (ed.) Documents of Modern Literary Realism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 105–111.

[16] Zola, Émile (1893) The Experimental Novel and Other Essays. New York: The Cassell Publishing Co.