
Displaying 421 - 450 of 1438

Nazari, Hossein, Shahroodi, Sara Taghvaei. Robert Frost's dramatic monologue : the two sides of the narrative in "A Servant to Servants". Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 177–188.

Teske, Joanna Klara, Jankowski, Jan. Dissonant and consonant narrators : Dorrit Cohn's concepts, narratorial Stance theory and cognitive literary studies. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 189–206.

Chovanec, Jan. [Sauer, Hans; Kirner-Ludwig, Monika. Evolution of English: studying the past, understanding the present]. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 2, pp. 207–210.

Strle, Urška. Emigration as augmented war experience : an (auto)biographical account of Ted Kramolc. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 71–86.

Zsizsmann, Éva. Landscapes of the mind in Tamas Dobozy's Ghost Geographies. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 87–95.

Devine, Michael. The myth of manliness: Anne Carson’s H of H Playbook. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 97–106.

Blake, Jason. [Jarman, Mark Anthony. Touch Anywhere to Begin]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 107–109.

Sparling, Don. [Labudová, Katarína. Studying Margaret Atwood: Shifting the Boundaries of Genres ; Labudová, Katarína. Food in Margaret Atwood’s Speculative Fiction]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 111–113.

Horáková, Martina. "What vanishes and what remains". The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2022, vol. 17, iss. [1], pp. 115–119.

Franková, Milada. Acknowledgements. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 5.

Franková, Milada. Time has not stood still. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 9–21.

Franková, Milada. Incestuous relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 59–66.

Franková, Milada. Symbol as a bond. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 52–58.

Franková, Milada. Conclusion. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 78–79.

Franková, Milada. Iris Murdoch in Czech. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 22–25.

Franková, Milada. Artist-saint relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 31–42.

Franková, Milada. Introduction. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 7–8.

Franková, Milada. Attention to otherness - love. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 67–77.

Franková, Milada. Notes. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 80–84.

Franková, Milada. Power relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 43–51.

Franková, Milada. Bibliography. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 85–89.

Franková, Milada. Human relationships. In: Franková, Milada. Human relationships in the novels of Iris Murdoch. 1995, pp. 26–30.

[Doctor honoris causa]. In: Jan Firbas ve vzpomínkách. 2003, pp. 34–35.

Fois, Eleonora. News translation and national image in the time of Covid-19. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 5–23.

Giofré, Valeria. Functions and distribution of determiners in Old English genitive noun phrases . Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 25–50.

Jiménez-Pareja, Sandra. On the adjective/adverb interface: subject-related -ly. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 51–69.

Kostareva, Elena V. , Utkina, Tatiana I.. Metadiscourse use in argumentative essays written by Russian students at different levels of ESAP study of economics . Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 71–92.

Szczygłowska, Tatiana. Exploring Obama's and Trump's political discourse through the lens of wordlists, keywords and clusters . Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 93–116.

Wiliński, Jarosław. Metaphodioms: connecting metaphor and idioms. Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 117–135.

Dobosiewicz, Ilona. The city on the Moldau as a liminal space : Prague in Anthony Trollope's Nina Balatka . Brno studies in English. 2022, vol. 48, iss. 1, pp. 137–148.