
Displaying 1 - 30 of 78

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Blažek, Václav. Introduction. In: Blažek, Václav. Old Germanic languages : historical and grammatical survey. 2023, pp. 7.

Blažek, Václav. Germanic peoples at the turn of prehistory and history
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Blažek, Václav. Saharan numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, pp. 1–14.

Blažek, Václav. Egyptian numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, pp. 28–56.

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Blažek, Václav. Altaic numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, pp. 102–140.

Blažek, Václav. Patterns of creating numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, pp. 325–337.

Blažek, Václav. Berber numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, pp. 57–79.

Blažek, Václav. Nubian numerals. In: Blažek, Václav. Numerals : comparative-etymological analyses of numeral systems and their implications : (Saharan, Nubian, Egyptian, Berber, Kartvelian, Uralic, Altaic and Indo-European languages). 1999, pp. 15–27.

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Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský as an expert in Hungarian and Fenno-Ugric. In: Pražák, Richard. Josef Dobrovský als Hungarist und Finno-Ugrist. 1967, pp. 171–176.