
Displaying 871 - 900 of 1031

Pelikán, Oldřich. Der grosse ludovisische Schlachtsarkophag. In: Mnema Vladimír Groh. 1964, pp. 117–135.

Hošek, Radislav. Der Kampf um Gott am Ende des IV. Jhdt. u. Z.. In: Mnema Vladimír Groh. 1964, pp. 181–195.

Špaňár, Július. Herakleitos von Ephesos und sein Vehältnis zur Religion. In: Mnema Vladimír Groh. 1964, pp. 145–160.

Češka, Josef. Об истреблении лимигантов. In: Mnema Vladimír Groh. 1964, pp. 57–69.

Novotný, František. Die antiken Platon-Legenden, Verherrlichung und Verleumdung. In: Mnema Vladimír Groh. 1964, pp. 161–179.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Preface. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 9–13.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Race. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 99–111.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Music. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 81–98.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Index. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 115–118.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Introduction. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 14–22.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Mexico. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 54–68.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Acknowledgements. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 7–8.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Literature and works cited. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 112–114.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Film. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 69–80.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Body. In: Pospíšil, Tomáš. The progressive era in American historical fiction: John Dos Passos' The 42nd parallel and E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime. 1998, pp. 23–53.

Čižmíková, Danuša. Konflikt očami žien. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, pp. 15–31.

Čižmíková, Danuša. Bibliografia. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, pp. 114–122.

Čižmíková, Danuša. Zahrin príbeh. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, pp. 32–73.

Čižmíková, Danuša. Záver. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, pp. 108–111.

Čižmíková, Danuša. Úvod. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, pp. 7–14.

Čižmíková, Danuša. The quest for identities in modern Lebanese women's fiction : summary. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, pp. 112–113.

Čižmíková, Danuša. Marjam príbehov. In: Čižmíková, Danuša. Hľadanie identít v modernej libanonskej ženskej próze. 2022, pp. 74–107.

Bicanová, Klára. Introduction. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, pp. 9–18.

Bicanová, Klára. Wit and esprit: points of accord and dissonance. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, pp. 118–127.

Bicanová, Klára. Endnotes. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, pp. 143–150.

Bicanová, Klára. Chevalier de Méré: esprit as light of nature. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, pp. 69–75.

Bicanová, Klára. Dominique Bouhours and poetic ideologies of the bel esprit. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, pp. 56–68.

Bicanová, Klára. True and false wit: Dryden, Pope, and Addison : [introduction]. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, pp. 87–88.

Bicanová, Klára. Conclusion. In: Bicanová, Klára. From rhetoric to aesthetics: wit and esprit in the English and French theoretical writings of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. 2013, pp. 129–132.