
Displaying 61 - 90 of 218

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Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. Myth: an attempt at understanding university history. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 10–19.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of autonomous university governance. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 159–187.

Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of contributing to society. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 125–158.

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Fasora, Lukáš, Hanuš, Jiří. The myth of university freedom. In: Fasora, Lukáš. , Hanuš, Jiří. Myths and traditions of Central European university culture. 2019, pp. 20–37.

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Baronas, Darius. Good faith and Realpolitik : approaching the art of politics of Lithuanian rulers in the fourteenth century. Studia historica Brunensia. 2019, vol. 66, iss. 2, pp. 31–44.

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