Projekty spolupráce, formy propagace: Pražský lingvistický kroužek a německojazyčný tisk v meziválečném Československu

Title: Projekty spolupráce, formy propagace: Pražský lingvistický kroužek a německojazyčný tisk v meziválečném Československu
Source document: Theatralia. 2016, vol. 19, iss. 1, Supplementum, pp. 7-34
  • ISSN
    1803-845X (print)
    2336-4548 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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This volume aims at presenting several newspapers written in German, specifically the Prager Presse, Slavische Rundschau, Germanoslavica and Prager Rundschau, that were established in the interwar Czechoslovak Republic under the cooperation of members of both the German and Czech ethnic groups. The relation of these newspapers towards the Prague Linguistic Circle, which was covered especially by the Prager Presse, is discussed in detail in the main study, as well as the activities of the German members of the Circle who contributed to the given periodicals on regular basis, and of Antonín Stanislav Mágr, a paragon of scientific journalism as the members of the Circle called him. The author argues that the publishing and other activities of the newspapers and the Circle not only represent one step on the path towards the institution of modern scholarship, but also a means of its promotion and popularization. The study is supplemented by an annotated bibliography of the articles on the activities of the Circle in the Prager Presse, Slavische Rundschau, Germanoslavica and Prager Rundschau.
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[4] BOGATYREV, Petr. 1930b. Lévy-Bruhl und die Ethnographie der europäischen Völker. Prager Presse 10 (8. 11. 1930): 306: 6.

[5] BOGATYREV, Petr. 1932. Der Weihnachstbaum in der Ost-Slovakei. Germanoslavica 2 (Dezember 1932): 2: 254–258.

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[23] Eine neue slavistische Revue: Im Dienst der europäischen Kulturgemeinschaft. 1928. Dichtung und Welt 15. Beilage zur Prager Presse 8 (8. 4. 1928): 99: VIII.

[24] Ein "Ethnographischer Zirkel". 1930. Slavische Rundschau 2 (Januar 1930): 1: 71.

[25] EISNER, Paul. 1932. Sprachkultur und Sprachwissenschaft. Literaturzeitung 18. Beilage zur Prager Presse 12 (28. 10. 1932): 295: III.

[26] (P. E.) [EISNER, Pavel]. 1936. Blut und Leben. Prager Presse 16 (20. 6. 1936): 169: 8.

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[33] HARTL, Antonín. 1931. Die literarische Renaissance der Karpathoruthenen. Prager Rundschau 1 (28. 10. 1931): 6: 558–565.

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[35] HARTL, Antonín. 1937b. Das heutige literarische Schaffen in Karpathorussland. Prager Rundschau 7 (28. 1. 1937): 1: 39–46.

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[43] JAKOBSON, Roman. 1929. Romantické všeslovanství – nová slavistika [Romantic Panslavism – New Slavic Studies]. Čin [The Act] 1 (31. 10. 1929): 1: 10–12.

[44] JAKOBSON, Roman. 1931a. Das Genfer Linguistenkongreß. Prager Presse 11 (13. 9. 1931): 248: 8–9.

[45] JAKOBSON, Roman. 1931b. Prof. Dr. Friedrich Slotty. Prager Presse 11 (18. 10. 1931): 282: 8.

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[50] JAKOBSON, Roman. 1936. Ein Grundwerk zur tschechoslovakischen Sprachgeschichte. Prager Presse 16 (5. 1. 1936): 4: 10.

[51] JAKOBSON. Roman. 1937a. Dopis Jiřímu Voskovcovi a Janu Werichovi o noetice a semantice švandy [Letter to Jiří Voskovec and Jan Werich on Noetics and Semantics of Fun]. In Josef Träger (ed.). Deset let osvobozeného divadla 1927–1937 [Ten Years of the Liberated Theatre 1927–1937]. Praha: Fr. Borový, 1937: 27–34.

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[53] (R. J.) [JAKOBSON, Roman]. 1937c. Prof. L. Hjelmslev in Prag. Prager Presse 17 (22. 10. 1937): 291: 8.

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[77] MÁGR, Antonín Stanislav. 1936. Měl jsem příležitost… [I Had the Opportunity… ]. Slovo a slovesnost [The Word and The Verbal Art] 2 (1936): 2: 132.

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