Tradiční zemědělství a domácí výroba srbského obyvatelstva Ibarského Kolašinu v severní části Kosova

Název: Tradiční zemědělství a domácí výroba srbského obyvatelstva Ibarského Kolašinu v severní části Kosova
Variantní název:
  • Traditional agriculture and home manufacture of Serbian inhabitants of Ibarian Kolashin in the northern part of Kosovo
Šupicová, Marija (překladatel)
Zdrojový dokument: Luković, Miloš. Tradiční agrární kultura v kontextu společenského vývoje střední Evropy a Balkánu. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, pp. [215]-248
Přístupová práva
plný text nepřístupný
Licence: Neurčená licence
The work deals with the traditional forms of agriculture and home manufacture in the area of the district of Zubin Potok, which includes the biggest part of the area of the region of Ibarian Kolashin in the north of Kosovo. Due to the specific natural, ethnic and social characteristics of this area, which determine the maintenance of archaic forms of economic activities, the most important characteristics of Ibarian Kolashin were pinpointed: its geographical location; watercourses, agricultural land and nature; population and settlements; proprietary relations in the past; patriarchal forms of family and social lives. The traditional forms of agricultural activities (agriculture) were studied in the framework of their subgroups: animal husbandry, agriculture, vegetable-growing and fruit-growing. The study also includes a brief account of the traditional diet (cuisine) of the inhabitants. The manufacturing activities of the inhabitants of Ibarian Kolashin accompanying agriculture are described in more detail: caravan transport and commerce, home manufacture (the manufacture of canvas, manufacture and fulling of cloth, the manufacture of folk costumes and woollen blankets, wood processing and the manufacture of charcoal, manufacture of simple ceramics).