Title: Art East Central
Rok: 2021
Ročník: 1
Číslo: 1
Rok vydání
2695-1428 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/143595
Ústav FF MU
Title | Document |
Editorial : A new journal and the meanings of 'East Central' Europe | 5–8
Rampley, Matthew |
Notes on contributors | 153–154
Title | Document |
Faces of modernism after Trianon : Károly Kós, Lajos Kozma and Neo-Baroque design in interwar Hungary | 11–49
Stirton, Paul |
Karel Čapek's graphic Britain : a study of the visual intermodernism of Čapek's Letters from England | 51–76
Howard, Jeremy |
Lost in translation? : the idea of the garden city and its migration to the Czech lands, 1900–1938 | 77–104
Hnídková, Vendula |
Lajos Vajda and the Russian idea of universalism | 105–124
Boros, Lili |
Title | Document |
Understanding Greek art history | 127–133
Rampley, Matthew |
A world of its own? : art history in Prague | 135–140
Filipová, Marta |
Women and the Wiener Werkstätte | 141–145
Secklehner, Julia |
Abstraction in Hungary | 147–151
Drobe, Christian |